Paul Panak Custom Knife Burn Knives Double Action Out the Front Automatic Abalone Inlaid Razor with Damascus Blade
Paul Panak Custom Knife Burn Knives Double Action Out the Front Automatic Abalone Inlaid Razor
Buster Warenski Custom Knife Mammoth Push Dagger with Scabbard
Harvey Draper Custom Knife Push Dagger
Boye Knives Bamboo Etched Boye Dendritic Cobalt Steel Chef Knife
Oleson Custom Knife Abalone Push Dagger
H.H. Frank Custom Knife October 1970 Large Engraved Mammoth Lockback
Shaun and Sharla Hansen Custom Knife Black Jade with Damascus and 24KT Gold Leaf Inlay Dagger
H.H. Frank Custom Knife Sole Authorship Engraved Mammoth Lockback
Frank Centofante Custom Knife Bob Loveless Design Stag Lockback Engraved by Bruce Shaw
Bermuda Blue and Yellow Fish Letter Opener from the Paul Lansingh Collection
Van Barnett Custom Knife Sole Authorship Damascus Carved Frame Linerlock with Interchangeable Gold Lip Pearl and Carbon Fiber Scales
Sid Birt Custom Knife Fossilized Walrus Push Dagger with Engraved Scabbard
Tony Bose Custom Knife Single Blade Stag Swayback Jack Slip Joint with Federal Shield Escutcheon
Owen Wood Custom Knife Sole Authorship Damascus Amber and Gold Linerlock Dagger
Kim Breed Custom Knife White Micarta Push Dagger
Ron Lake Custom Knife Stanley Stoltz Engraved Big Horn Sheep Horn Sierra Lockback
Mel Pardue Custom Knife Palm Wood Lockback
Joe Kious Custom Knife Premium Brazilian Rosewood Lockback
Daniel Cattaneo Custom Knife Engraved “Blu Samurai 2” Sole Authorship Mosaic Damascus Linerlock Flipper
Ken Steigerwalt Custom Knife Damascus Blade Fluted Double Bolsters Fluted Pearl Shell
Dick Hodgson Custom Knife Black Lip Pearl Interframe Lockback
C Gray Taylor Custom Knife Desert Ironwood Sandra Brady Scrimshawed Collapsible Push Dagger
Bob Loveless Custom Knife Improved Handle Stag Utility
Joel Chamblin Custom Knife Damascus & Mammoth Linerlock
Koji Hara Custom Knife Mother of Pearl Airstep Liner Lock
Warren Osborne Custom Knife Jigged Bone Lockback
Bill Keeton Custom Knife Polished Bone Lady’s Leg Lockback
Wayne Goddard Custom Knife Damascus and Horn Friction Folder
Don Lozier Custom Knife Fossil Coral & Damascus Presentation Dagger Engraved by Julie Warenski