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Showing 4321–4365 of 9888 results
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Stan Wilson Custom Knife Mother of Pearl & Bertie Rietveld Dragonskin Damascus Advisor 3 Double Action Automatic
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Lynton McKenzie Engraved Steve Hoel Custom Knife Mother of Pearl Midlock
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Tim George Engraved Steve Hoel Custom Knife Clip Point Midlock with Stag
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Howard Hitchmough Custom Knife Full Damascus Sole Authorship Lockback with Black Lip Pearl Shell Inlays
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Lucie Bandikova Engraved Steve Hoel Custom Knife Interframe Coke Bottle with Mother of Pearl
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Jack Levin Custom Knife Chris Meyer Engraved Automatic Art Dagger
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Ron Lake Custom Knife Stag Lockback Sierra
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Bob Loveless Custom Knife Stag Engraved by Jere Davidson Crooked Skinner
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Chris Reeve Custom Knife Jerry Rados “Turkish Twist” Damascus, Titanium, Abalone and Pearl Virobloc Twistlock Folder
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Des Horn Custom Knife The Ultimate Every Day Carry Knife
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Frank Centofante Custom Knife #69 Red Jigged Bone Nickle Silver Lockback
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Paul Fox Custom Knife Blued Steel & Mammoth Lockback
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Jim Schmidt Custom Knife 2/17/87 #83 “GRUNTS” Stag Lockback Goblin
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Paul Fox Custom Knife Mammoth Toggle Lock
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Mike Franklin Custom Knife 4 K.C.C 1987 0069 Stag Drop Point Hunter Stellite
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Phil Booth Custom Knife Mammoth & Damascus Double Blade Button Release
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Sam Alfano Engraved Ron Lake Custom Knives Tail Lock Set of Two
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Des Horn Custom Knife The Ultimate Every Day Carry Knife
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Bob Loveless Custom Knives Set of 3 Gary Williams “Garbo'” Scrimshawed Double Ground Fighters
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Donald Vogt Custom Knife Gold Inlay Mosaic Damascus Linerlock with Blacklip Pearl and Ruby
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Ron Skaggs Engraved Owen Wood Custom Knife Chevron and Twist Damascus Black Lip Pearl Liner Lock
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John W. Smith Custom Knife Gold and Blue Walrus Auto Linerlock with Club Inlaid Spike
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Ron Lake Custom Knife Cape Buffalo Interframe Boot Blade Tail Lock #48 with Rose Gold Bale
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Ron Lake Custom Knife Stag Interframe Boot Blade Tail Lock #4
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Donald Vogt Custom Knife Full Damascus with Carvings, Gold Inlays, and Carved Black Lip Pearl
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Buster Warenski Custom Knife Carved Damascus Art Dagger
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Scott Sawby Custom Knife “Skimmer” Wharncliffe with Jasper and Damasteel Damascus Self Lock
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Mike “Wiskers” Allen Custom Knife Assisted Open Engraved Lockback
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Mike “Whiskers” Allen Custom Knife Sole Authorship Engraved Mother of Pearl Scale Release Double Auto
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Phillip Booth Custom Knife Double Bladed Blued Damascus and Mammoth Button Lock Auto
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Mike “Whiskers” Allen Custom Knife Mother of Pearl Scale Release Automatic Mike Norris Damascus
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Don Hanson III Custom Knife Mother of Pearl Shell and Sole Authorship Damascus Linerlock Auto
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R.B Johnson Custom Knife Damascus and Mother of Pearl Lever Release Lock Back Auto
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John Richter’s Custom Knife: Mother of Pearl Automatic Linerlock with Sole Authorship Damascus
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Frank Potter Custom Knife South Sea Gold Lip Pearl & Damascus Button Release Linerlock
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Ron Newton Custom Knife Piqued Mother of Pearl Shell & Sole Authorship Damascus Scale Release Automatic
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6″ Padded Zippered Case w/ KnifePurveyor Logo
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Buster Warenski Custom Knife Jade Hunter Engraved by Julie Warenski
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WD Pease Custom Knife Sub Hilt with Tahitian Black Lip Pearl
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Joel Chamblin Custom Knife Checkered Mother of Pearl Shell Three Blade Whittler Slip Joint
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Scott Sawby Custom Knife Mammoth Tooth Scaled “Kittiwake-Swift” Self-Lock
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Elton Misner Custom Knife Bone Linen Micarta Bob Loveless Style Dixon Fighter
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Scott Sawby Custom Knife Bruneau Jasper “Swift” Self-Lock
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Bob Loveless Custom Knife 1975 “Small Single Nude Logo” Stag Semi Caper with Soldered Joints
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Knife Purveyor Ultimate Custom Knife Handling Cloths 3 Pack
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Showing 4321–4365 of 9888 results
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Any Knife Maker
"P.Z. Studio" Yupeng Zhao
A.A. Sanders
Aaron Frederick
Aaron Wilburn
Aegis (Jeff Simmons)
Aida, Yoshihito
AKC Italy
Al Dippold
Al Mar
Alan Folts
Alex Daniels
Alfred Pendray
Alistair Bastian
Allen Elishewitz
Allred, Elvan
Anders Hedlund
Anders Hogstrom
Anders, Jerome
Anderson, Tom
Andersson, Andre
Andersson, Michael
Andre Andersson
Andre Thorburn
Andrew Demko
Andrew McLurkin
Andrews, Russ
Andy Shinosky
Angelo, Jeff
Ankrom, Bill
Anso, Jens
Anthony Marfione
Antonio Fogarizzu
Antunes, Julian
Appleby, Bob
Arno Bernard
Arnold, John
Arpad Bojtos
Arthur Washburn
Arthur Whale
Atillio Morotti
Axelsson, Morgan
Baartman, George
Bailey Bradshaw
Ball, Butch
Banfield, Mark
Barnett, Van
Barns, Eric
Barr, A.T.
Barrett, Rick
Barry Davis
Barry Gallagher
Barry Trindle
Barry Wood
Barry, D.S.
Barry, Jim
Bartrug, Hugh
Baskett, Barbara
Baskett, Gene
Bass, Jordan
Bastian, Alistair
Batson, James
Bawidamann, Andrew
Bayley, Robert
Beauchamp, Gaetan
Beaver, Butch
Beck, Wayne
Beers, Raymond
Begg, Todd
Begg,Tanya Begg Knives
Behring, Jim "Treeman"
Bell, Donald
Beltrame, Frank
Ben Shostle
Bennica, Charles
Bergh, Roger
Bernard, Arno
Bertie Rietveld
Best, Ronald
Beukes, Tinus
Bill Ankrom
Bill Bagwell
Bill Cheatham
Bill King
Bill Luckett
Bill McHenry
Bill Moran
Bill Ruple
Bill Saindon
Billy Mace Imel
Bingenheimer, Bruce
Black, Tom
Blackwood, Neil
Blaine Moen Cobalt Customs
Blair, Eric "Toxic Tools"
Blanchard, Gary
Blomerus, Herucus
Blum, Michel
Bob Barbee
Bob Conley
Bob Dozier
Bob Garbe
Bob Jones
Bob Lofgreen
Bob Loveless
Bob Lum
Bob Ogg
Bob Terzuola
Bobby Toole
Bogdanovich, Oleksander Orebchuk
Boguszewski, Phil
Bojtos, Arpad
Bona Knives
Booth, Phil
Booysen, Chris
Borger, Wolf
Bose, Reese
Bose, Tony
Boyd, Francis
Bracy Ledford
Brad Duncan
Brad Fairall
Brad Southard
Brad Zinker
Bradley, Gayle
Bradshaw, Bailey
Brandsey, Ed
Brend, Walter
Brett Dowell
Brian Fellhoelter
Brian Lyttle
Brian Nadeau
Brian Tighe
Britton, Tim
Broadwell, David
Brodziak, David
Brown, Craig
Browne, Rick
Brunckhorst, C Lyle
Buchanan, Thad
Buchanan, Zac
Buck Knife
Buck Knives
Buckner, Jimmie H.
Bud Nealy
Bull, Gareth
Bump, Bruce
Burch, Michael
Burke, Dan
Burke, Jim
Burnley, Lucas
Burt Foster
Busfield, Jack
Buster Warenski
Butch and Judy Beaver
Butch Beaver
Butch Vallotton
Butti Knives (Isao Ohbuchi)
C. Gray Taylor
Caffery, Ed
Campolin, A. G. A.
Capdepon, Randy
Capdepon, Robert
Carlson, Kelly
Carson, Kit
Cas Iberia
CAS Knives (Claudio Alejandro Sobral)
Case XX
Casey, Kevin
Casteel, Doug
Cecchini, Gustavo T.
Centofante, Frank
Chad Nell
Chaffee, Jeff
Chamblin, Joel
Chappel, Roderick
Charles Bennica
Charles Marlowe
Charles Roulin
Charles Weiss
Charlie Bennica
Charlie Dake
Charlie Morris
Chavez, Ramon
Chew, Larry
Chinnock, Dan
Chris Miller
Chris Owen
Chris Reeve
Chris Reeve Knives
Chris Smith
Christensen, Jon
Christian Wimpff
Christoph Deringer
Chuck Gedraitis
Chuck Stewart
Clark, David
Clark, Howard
Clark, Jason
Clark, Nate
Clark, W.R.
Claude Montjoy
Claudio Riboni
Clay, J.D.
Cliff Parker
Clifton, Kenneth
Coats, Ken
Cody Wescott
Coffey, Bill
Colaboration between Ray Laconico and Michael Vagnino.
Collaboration between Andre van Heerden and Andre Thorburn
Collaboration between Charly Bennica & Emanuel Esposito
Collaboration Between Duane Dwyer & Mikkel Willumsen
Collaboration between Jody Muller & Jared Price
Collaboration between John W. Smith, Chris Smith & Aaron Frederick
Collaboration between Ken Steigerwalt & Matthew Lerch
Collaboration between Marfione & Koji Hara
Collaboration Between Michael Walker & Wolfgang Loerchner
Collaboration Between R.W. Loveless and D.F. Kessler
Collaboration Between S.R. Johnson & Horn
Collaboration Between Scott Sawby and Steve Mullin
Collaboration between Wolfgang Loerchner and Tim Herman
Collaboration Columbia River Knife and Tool and Ken Onion
Collaboration Jeremy Horton Gerry McGiness
Collaboration Ron Lake & Dietmar Kressler
Collaboration S. R. Johnson and Richardo Verlade
Collaboration S.R. Johnson and Ricardo Velarde
Colter, Wade
Conaway, Chris "Sheepdog Knives"
Conley, Bob
Conny Persson
Consoli, Sergio
Cook, Scott
Coombs, Lamont
Cooper, John Nelson
Corbit, Jerry
Corby, Harold
Cordova, Joe
Corkum, Steve
Corrado Moro
Corrado, Jim
Corrie Schoeman
Cover, Ray
Cowles, Don
Coye, Bill
Craig Brewer
Crawford Knives
Crawford, Pat
Crenshaw, Al
Crist, Zoe
Cronk, W.W.
Cross, Kevin
Crotts, Dan
Crowder, Gary
Crowder, Robert
Crowell, Jim
Crusader Forge
Cucchiara, Matt
Curry, Tim
Curt Erickson
Curtiss, Dave
Cutchin, Roy
D.E. Casey
D.L. Kreibich
D'Alton Holder
Dailey, George
Dake, Charlie
Dale Reif
Dalton, Robbie
Dan Burke
Dan Dagget
Dan Wilkerson
Daniel Cattaneo
Daniel Fronefield
Daniel Stepan
Daniel Winkler
Danny Coffman
Darrel Ralph
Dave Curtiss
Dave Ricke
Davenport, Jack
David Broadwell
David Brodziak
David Goldberg
David Manley
David Mosier
David Roeder
David Sharp
David Taber
Davidson, Edmund
Davidson, Larry
Davis, Barry
Davis, John
Davis, Terry
Davis, W.C.
Davison, T.A.
DB Fraley
de Braga, Jose C.
DE Henry
De Villiers, Andre
Dean, Harvey
DeFarges, Bob
Defreest, William "Gordon"
Demko, Andrew
Dempsey, David
Denis Friedly
Dennis Friedly
Derek Munroe
DerMerwe, Ivan
Derr, Herb
Deryk Munroe
Des Horn
Desert Knife Works
DesJardins, Dennis
Dew Hara
Dianna Casteel
Dick Hodgson
Dietmar Kressler
Dilluvio, Frank
Dilluvio, Mike
Diotte, Jeff
Dippold, Al
Diskin, Matt
District 9
Doane, M.S.
Doc Hagen
Doc Hagen Doc Hagen
Doggett, Bob
Don Cowles
Don Fogg
Don Hanson
Don Lozier
Don Maxwell
Don Polzien
Donald Bell
Donald Vogt
Dorneles, Luciano
Doucette, Randy
Doug Casteel
Doug Marcaida Bastinelli Knives Collaboration
Doussot, Laurent
Downs, Jim
Doyle, Patrick
Dozier, Bob
Dr. Fred Carter
Draper, Audra
Draper, Kent
Duane Dwyer
Ducasse, Guillaume
Duncan, Brad
Dunkerley, Rick
Dunlap, Jim
Dunn, Steve
Durio, Fred
Durvyn Howard
Dustin Driver
Dustin Turpin
Dwaine Carillo
Dwight Towell
Dwyer, Duane
Dynamic Knife Design
Ealy, Delbert
Easler, Russell
Eaton, Al
Eaton, Rick
Ed Cope
Ed Fowler
Ed Fowler Collaboration with Chris Amos
Ed Halligan
Ed Kalfayan
Eddie J. Baca
Edmund Davidson
Eldon Peterson
Elishewitz, Allen
Elizabeth Loerchner
Ellis, Dean
Elton Misner
Elvan Allred
Embretsen, Kay
Emerson, Ernie
Emile Drouhin
Ence, Jim
Enders, Bob
England, Virgil
English, Chris
Engnath, Bob
Enrique Pena
Eric Demongivert
Eric Ochs
Erickson, Curt
Erickson, Ken
Ernest, PJ
Ernie Emerson
Esposito, Emmanuel
Etzler, John
Eugene Shadley
Evans, Carlton R.
Fecas, Steve
Fellhoelter, Brian
Ferenc Tumpek
Ferry, Tom
Ferum Forge
Fischer Bros
Fischer, Frank
Fischer, Todd
Fisk, Dale
Fisk, Jerry
Flournoy, Joe
Fogarizzu, Antonio
Fogarizzu, Tore
Fogg, Don
Folts, Alan
Fong, Michael
Forselius, Greger
Fowler, Ed
Fowler, Stephan
Fraley, D.B.
Francis Boyd
Franco de Souza, Dionatam
Frank Centofante
Frank Dilluvio
Frank Fischer
Frank Niro
Frank Potter
Frank, H.H.
Franklin, Mike
Fraps, John
Frederick, Aaron
Freer, Ralph
Friedly, Dennis
Fuegen, Larry
Fujikawa, Shun
Fujisaka, Stan
Fuller, John
G. Little
Gail Lunn
Galloway, Daniel
Galyean, Tim
Gann, Tommy
Garau, Marcello
Gary Barnes
Gary Blanchard
Gaston, Ron
Gavco/Trastet Collaboration
Gayle Bradley
Gedraitis, Chuck
Gene Baskett
Genovese, Rick
George Dailey
George Herron
George Mueller
George Muller
George Schepers
George, Les
Gev, Alex
Gil Hibben
Gilbreath, Randall
Glen Mikolajezyk
Glenn Are Hovin
Glenn Waters
Goldberg, David
Golden Randy "R.R."
Gonzalez, John
Gossman, Scott
Gottage, Judy
Grace Horne
Graham, John
Grant and Gavin Hawk
Gray, John
Green, Roger M.
Greenaway, Don
Greg Lightfoot
Greger Forselius
Griffen, Rendon
Grimsmo Knives
Grospitch, Ernie
Gudy Van Poppel
Guillaume Ducasse
Guinn, Terry
Gunther, Eddie
Gustafsson, Johan
Gustavo T. Cecchini
H.H. Frank
Hagen, Dr.
Hale, Lloyd
Halfrich Jerry
Halfrich, Jerry
Hall, Jeff
Halligan, Ed
Ham, Bob
Hamada, Tamonari
Hammond, Jim
Hancock, Tim
Hansen, Shaun and Sharla
Hanson III, Don
Hara, Koji
Hardenbrook, Jim
Harkins, Jeff
Harris, Ralph Dewey
Harry Moreseth
Hartsfield, Phill
Harumi Hirayama
Harvey McBurnette
Haslinger, Thomas
Hatt, Roger
Havaare, Jerome
Hawes, Chuck
Hawk, Grant & Gavin
Hayes, Robert
Heard, Tom
Hedlund, Anders
Hegedus, Lou
Helton, Roy
Hemonnott, Gerard
Henckels J. A.
Hendricks, Larry
Hendrickson, Jay
Hendrix, Jerry
Hendrix, Wayne
Hennicke', Uli
Henry, William
Herman Schneider
Herman, Tim
Herron, George
Hibben, Gil
Hidetoshi Nakayama
Hill, Steven
Hinderer, Rick
HiTex Gear
Hodgson, Dick
Hoel, Steve
Hoffman, Kevin
Hogstrom, Anders
Holder, D'Alton
Holland, Dennis
Holson, Mark
Holt Bladeworks
Horn, Des
Horn, Jess
Horton, Jeremy
Hossom, Jerry
Hovaere, Jerome
Hovin, Glenn Are
Howard Hitchmough
Howard, Durvyn
Howell, Jason
Howser, John
Hubbard, A.J. "Bud"
Hugh Bartrug
Imel, Billy Mace
Ingram, Gene
Irie, Mike
Ivanov, Alexander
Jack Busfield
Jack Davenport
Jacks, Jason
Jacks, Jim
James Batson
James Brothers
James Sponaugle
Jangtanong, Suchat
Jankowski, Michael
Jarosz, Jesse
Jason Knight
Jason Overall
Jason Stout
Jason Williams
Jaun-Luc Baumberger
Javier Vogt
Jay Harris
Jay Hendrickson
JD Van Deventer
Jean Pierre Sucheras
Jeff Chaffee
Jeff Harkins
Jenkins, Mitch
Jens Anso
Jeremy Marsh
Jernigan, Steve
Jerry Corbit
Jerry Fisk
Jerry Hossom
Jerry McClure
Jerry Moen
Jerry Rados
Jerry Stone
Jess Horn
Jim Corrado
Jim Downs
Jim Dunlap
Jim Ence
Jim Hammond
Jim Hardenbrook
Jim Kelso
Jim Martin
Jim Minnick
Jim Ragsdale
Jim Schmidt
Jim Serven
Jim Siska
Jim Sornberger
Jim Turecek
Jimmy Fikes
Jimmy Lile
Jody Muller
Joe Allen
Joe Kious
Joe Olson
Joe Pardue
Joel Chamblin
Johan Gustafsson
John Barker
John Etzler
John Gray
John Le Blanc
John Lewis Jensen
John Nelson Cooper
John W. Smith
John Young
Johnny Stout
Johnson, R.B.
Johnson, Robby
Johnson, Ruffin
Johnson, S.R.
Johnson, S.R. and Michael J. Smith Collaboration
Johnson, W.C.
Jon Graham
Jones, Brothers
Jose DeBraga
Josef Rusnak
Joseph Szilaski
Josh Smith
Jot Singh Khalsa
Judge, Scott
Juergen Schanz
Julie Warenski
Jurgen Steinau
Justin Thompson
Kagawa, Koichi
Kain, Charles
Kaluza, Werner
Kansei Matsuno
Kawamura, Ryuichi
Kay Embretsen
Keith Ouye
Kelly Carlson
Kelly Kozlow Larry Holden
Kelly, Lance
Ken McFall
Ken Onion
Ken Steigerwalt
Kendrick, Sean
Kennedy Jr., Bill
Kenneth King
Kevin Cross
Kevin Harvey
Kevin Hoffman
Khalsa, Jot Singh
King, Bill
King, Kenneth
Kingdom Armory
Kinney, Peter
Kious, Joe
Kirby Lambert
Kit Carson
Klein, Kevin
Klotzli Knives
Klotzli, Hans-Peter
Knapp, Mark
Knickmeyer, Hank
Knife Care Supplies
Knipschield, Terry
Knipstein, Joe
Koji Hara
Kolenko, Vladimir
Konygin, Alexey
Koyama, Captain B.
Kramer, Eric
Krammes, Jeremy
Krein, Tom
Kressler, Dietmar
Kubasek, John
Kurosawa, Matsumoto
Kurt Merriken
Kurt, David
L. J. Sampson
L.G. Green
Laconico, R.
Lairson, Jerry
Lala, Rick "Korth"
Lamont Coombs
Lang, David
Lange, Donald
Larry Chew
Larry Fuegen
Larry Harley
Larry Newton
Latama Cutlery
Laurent, Veronique
Le Blanc, John
LeCocq, Alex
Lee, Randy
Lee, Tommy
Leon Pittman
Lerch, Matthew
Lerman, Lee
Les George
Lespect, David
Leu, Pohan
Levin, Jack
Lightfoot, Greg
Lile, Jimmy
Lim, Ryu
Lin, Marcus
Lindsay, Steve J.
Lindsey, Robert
Lisch, Dave
LJ Thompson
Lloyd Hale
Lloyd McConnell
Lloyd Pendleton
Lloyd, J. H.
Loerchner, Wolfgang
Lofgreen, Jim
Lofgren, Thomas
Lone Wolf
Louis Vuitton
Loveless, Bob
Lovestrand, Schuyler
Lovett, Mike
Lowell Bray
Lozier, Don
Luckett, Bill
Luebke Jr., Ron
Luke Swenson
Lum, Bob
Luman, James
Lunn, Larry
Lurquin, Sam
Manaro, Sal
Maramba, Ram
Marcello Garau
Marfione Custom Knives
Marfione, Tony
Mark Laramie
Mark Steinbrecher
Mark Terrell
Marlowe, Charles
Marsh, Jeremy
Martin, Chris
Martin, Jean-Pierre
Martin, Jim
Martin, Peter
Martin, RJ
Martinez, J.J.
Massey, Roger
Mathew Lerch
Matsuda, Kiku
Matsuno, Kansei
Matsuoka, Scot
Matt Diskin
Matt Martin
Matthes, Jim
Matthew Lerch
Max Sao
Maxwell, Don
Mayo, Tom
McBurnette, Harvey
McClure, Jerry
McDonald, W.J.
Mcfall, Ken
McGhee, E. Scott
McGinnis, Gerry
McGovern, JJ
McIntyre, Shawn
McKissack, Thomas
Mcnees, Jonathan
Meers, Andrew
Mel Nishiuchi
Mel Nishuichi
Mel Pardue
Melvin Gurganus
Menefee, Rick
Mercer, Mike
Merz, Robert
Meshejian, Mardi
Metsala, A. C. "Tony"
Michael Andersson
Michael Burch
Michael J. Smith
Michael Smith
Michael Vagnino
Michael Veit
Michael Walker
Michael Zieba
Michael Zscherny
Mick Strider
Mike Allen
Mike England
Mike Franklin
Mike Irie
Mike Mercer
Mike Sanders
Mike Tison
Mike Vagnino
Mike Whiskers Allen
Mike Zscherny
Mikkel Williamsun
Mills, Andy
Minnick, Jim
Minnick, Joyce and Jim
Mitch Jenkins
Mitchell, Johnathan
Moeller, Harald
Moen, Jerry
Moing, Mickael
Moon, Sidney
Moon, Will
Moran, Bill
Morgan Axelsson
Moro Corrado
Moro, Corrado
Morotti, Atillio
Morris, Charlie
Morrow, Don
Motiz, Stan
Moulton, Dusty
Muller, George
Muller, Jody
Mullin, Steve
Munroe, Deryk
Murray Sterling
Nakamura, Eigi
Nakayama, Hidetoshi
Nate Clark
Neal Green
Nealy, Bud
Neil Blackwood
Nevling, Mark
Newton, Larry
Newton, Ron
Nguyen, Mike
Nilsson, Johnny Walker
Niro, Frank
Nishiuchi, Mel
Norfleet Jr., Gilbert
Norman Bardsley
Nott, Ron
Nowland, Rick
Nyland, Jakob & Simon
O'Brien, Mike
O'Dell, Cliff
O'Hare, Sean
Ochs, Eric
Ogden, Bill
Ohta, Hiroaki
Olamic Cutlery
Olamic Olamic
Olson, Joe
Olson, Rod
Olszewski, Stephen
Onion, Ken
Osborne, Warren
Osterman, Daniel
Ouye, Keith
Overeynder, Tom
Owen Wood
Pachi, Francesco
Padded Zippered Case
Panak, Paul
Panchenko, Serge
Pardue, Joe
Pardue, Mel
Park, Jeff
Parker, Cliff
Parker, H.K.
Parker, Robert Nelson
Pat Crawford
Patrick Doyle
Patrick Famin
Patton, Philip
Patton, Rob
Paul Fox
Paul Panak
Paul Poehlmann
Paulsen, Willie
Peddiu, Mario
Pelzer, Nico
Pena, Enrique
Pendleton, Lloyd
Perry, John
Persson, Conny
Persuader Knives
Peter Carey
Peter Martin
Peter Rassenti
Peter Truncali
Peter Wile
Peterson, Eldon
Phil Boguszewski
Phill Hartsfield
Pittman, Leon
PJ Tomes
Ploppert, Tom
Poehlmann, Paul
Polk, Cliff
Polkowski, Al
Poplin, James
Potter, Frank
Preston, Rusty
Price, Jared
Prince, Joe
Prinsloo, Lourens
Prinsloo, Theuns
Pro-Tech Knives
Puddu, Salvatore
Pugh, Jim
Puma Knives
Quesenberry, Mike
R. J. Knives
R.B. Johnson
R.J. McDonald
Rade Hawkins
Rados, Jerry
Rainy Vallotton
Ralph Bone
Ralph Dewey Harris
Ralph Freer
Ralph Selvideo
Ralph Turnbull
Ralph, Darrel
Randall Gilbreath
Randall King Knives
Randall Knives
Randall, J.W.
Randolph, Walter
Rassenti, Peter
Ray Appleton
Ray Beers
Ray Cover
Raymond Beers
Raymond, Michael
Reed, Vernie
Reese Bose
Reese Weiland
Reeve, Chris
Reif, Dale
Reinhard Tschager
Reverdy, Nicole and Pierre
Rex Robinson
Rexford, Todd
Reynolds, Wayne
Rhea, Lin
Riboni, Claudio
Ricardo Romano
Ricardo Velarde
Richard Bridwell
Richard Rogers
Richard S. Wright
Richard, Ron
Richmond, Brad
Richter, John
Rick Dunkerley
Rick Eaton
Rick Genovese
Rick Hinderer
Rick Palmer "Von Hagen Knives"
Rick Smith
Rigney, Willie
Rinaldi, Trace
RJ Martin
RJ McDonald
Rob Douglas
Rob Hudson
Robert Capdepon
Robert Carter
Robert Lindsey
Robert Nelson Parker
Robert Papp
Robert Sidelinger
Robert Sidlinger
Robert Weinstock
Roberts, Chuck
Robertson, Jeremy
Robinson, Rex
Rodebaugh, James
Rodgers, Joseph
Rodrigo Sfreddo
Roe, Mark
Roger Bergh
Rogers, Richard
Rogovets Sergey
Roman Zelenko
Romano, Ricardo
Ron Appleton
Ron Best
Ron Frazier
Ron Gaston
Ron Lake
Ron Lake & Michael Walker
Ron Newton
Ron Richard
Ron Smith
Ronald Best
Rose, Phil
Roy Cutchin
Roy Helton
Royer, Kyle
Ruana Knives
Ruple, Bill
Rusnak, Josef
Russell AG
RW Wilson
Ryan, Steve
Ryuichi Kawamura
S.R. Johnson
S.R. Johnson & Bill Ankrom Collaboration
Saindon, Bill
Sal Manaro
Salvatore Puddu
Sanders, Bill
Sanders, Mike
Sawby, Scott
Schanz, Juergen
Scherr, Les
Schoeman, Corrie
Schutte, Neil
Schuyler Lovestrand
Schwarzer, Steve
Scott Gallagher
Scott Matsuoka
Scott Sawby
Scott Slobodian
Scotti, Angelo
Sean O'Hare
Selvideo, Ralph
Sergei Rogovets
Sergio Consoli
Seward, Benjamin
Shadley, Eugene
Shane Taylor
Sharp, David
Shaun and Sharla Hansen
Shaw Leibowitz
Shaw, David
Shaw, Stu
Shiffer Doc Steve
Shigeno, Mamoru
Shigeru Tozaki
Shinosky, Andy
Shirogorov Knives
Shirogorov, Igor
Shirogorov/Sinkevick collaboration
Shostle, Ben
Shosui, Takeda
Shun Fujikawa
Sid Birt
Sigman, Corbet
Silva, Tiago
Silvestrelli, Fabrizio
Sinclair, Jim
Siska, Jim
Sitton, Mike
Skaggs, Ron E.
Skalja Knives
Skiff, Steve
Skow, Tex
Slyter, Travis
Small, Ed
Small, Jim
Smith, Chris
Smith, John W.
Smith, Josh
Smith, Michael J.
Smith, Ron
Smyth, Jim
Snody, Mike
Soppera, Arthur
Sornberger, Jim
Sowell, Billy Bob
SR Johnson
Stan Fujisaka
Stan Fujiska
Stan Wilson
Steigerwald, Stefan
Steigerwalt, Ken
Steinbrecher, Mark
Steketee, Craig
Stepan, Daniel
Stephen Olszewski
Sterling, Murray
Steve Culver
Steve Dunn
Steve Fecas
Steve Filicietti
Steve Hoel
Steve Jernigan
Steve Johnson
Steve Likarich
Steve Morseth
Steve Mullin
Steve Ryan
Steve Schwarzer
Steve Torok
Steven Busch
Steven Hill
Steven Kelly
Steven Rapp
Steven Skiff
Stewart, Chuck
Stone, Linda Karst
Stothart, Matthew
Stout, Jason
Stout, Johnny
Straub, Salem
Strider, Mick
Styrefors, Mattias
Suchat Jangtanong
Sucheras, Jean Pierre
Swan, Nick
Swauger, Ford
Swearingen, Kurt Allen
Swenson, Luke
Szilaski, Joseph
T.M. Dowell
Taber, David
TAD Dauntless
Tai Goo
Takahashi, Masao
Tanabe, Kazutoshi
Tasaki, Seiichi
Taylor, C. Gray
Taylor, David
Taylor, Shane
Terrell, Mark
Terry Davis
Terzuola, Bob
Thad Buchanan
Theuns Prinsloo
Thierry Savidan
Thomas, Warren
Thorburn, Andre
Tiensvold, Wade
Tighe, Brian
Tim Britton
Tim Herman
Timothy Wright
Tobin Hill
Todd Begg
Todd Davison
Todd Fischer
Todd Rexford
Tom Anderson
Tom Ferry
Tom Mayo
Tom Overeynder
Tomes, PJ
Tommy Lee
Tomohari Hamada
Tony Baker
Tony Bose
Tony Marfione
Tozaki, Shigeru
Treiber, Leon
Tschager, Reinhard
Tuch, William
Turecek, Jim
Turpin, Dustin
Ulrich, Michael
Uwe Beyer
Vagnino, Michael
Valachovic, Wayne
Vallotton, Brandon
Vallotton, Butch
Vallotton, Collaboration
Vallotton, Rainy
Vallotton, Shawn
Vallotton, Thomas
Van Barnett
Van der Merwe, Ivan
van der Walt, Louis
Van Deventer, JD
van Heerden, Andre
van Reenen, Ian
Velarde, Ricardo
Vernie Reed
Vestal, Charles
Veysseyre, Jean Pierre
Viallon, Henri
Viele, Howard
Vincenzo Balistreri
Vladimir Kolenko
Vogt, Donald
Voorhies, Les
W.D. Pease
W.W. Cronk
Wada, Yasutaka
Walker, Arlin "SloJoe"
Walker, George
Walker, Johnny
Walker, Michael
Walker, Michael & Lake, Ron
Walter Brend
Walter Randolph
Wander Paim
Ware, Tommy (Wano Knives)
Warenski, Julie
Warren Glover
Warren Osborne
Watanabe, Takayuki
Waters, Glenn
Watson, Tom
Watts, Rodney
Wayne Hensley
Wayne Valachovic
Wayne Whittaker
WD Pease
Weber, Fred
Weiland, Reese
Weiss, Charles
Weldon G. Whitley
Weldon Whitley
Werner Kaluza
Weston, Bud
Whale, Arthur
White, John
Whittaker, Wayne
Wilburn Forge
Wile, Peter
Wilkerson, Daniel
Will Pass
William Henry
William L. Burger
William Tuch
Williams, Chris
Williams, Jason
Williams, Lee
Williams, WC
Williamson, Elliot
Willie Rigney
Willumsen, Mikkel
Wilson, Stan
Wimpff, Christian
Winn, Travis
Winston, David
Wolf, Bill
Wolfgang Loerchner
Wood, Barry
Woods, Steve
Worrell, Bub
Wright, Richard S.
Wright, Timothy
Yamamoto, T
Yoneyama, Chicchi K.
Yoshihara, Yoshindo
Young, John
Yuna Knives
Zac Buchanan
Zaza Revishvili
Zero Tolerance Knives
Zieba, Michael
Zima, Mike
Zowada, Tim
Zscherny, Mike
"Tony" A.C. Metsala
Alex Gev
Alex J Collins
Bench Mark
Bill Behnke
Bill Keeton
Bill Sheldon
Bob Cargill
Bob Oleson
Bowen USA
Boye Knives
Bradley Knives
Brian Chovanec
C.M. Shoemaker
Chubby Hueske
Claes Lofgren
Clyde Fischer
Corbet Sigman
Dan Dennehy
David F. Pitt
David Lemoine
David Shaw
David Taylor
Dennis Conkey
Deviant Blades
Don Couchman
Don Hastings
Doug Noren
Forg Knives
Gary Biggers
Gary Kelley
George Young
George Young Stellite
Gerri Dadyan
H.K. Parker
Harold Moeller
Harvey Draper
Heretic Knives
Howard Viele
Ian Slezak
Ikuo Nagata
Japanese Keiun
Jeff Flannery
Jim Crowell
Jim Ferguson
Jim Pugh
John Arnold
Johnny Walker Nilsson
Josh JN Fisher
Judy Gottage
Kermit Laurent
Kim Breed
Kurt Simmonds
Laban Andersson
Larry Brandstetter
Larry Sandlin
Letter Opener
Mad Dog Knives
Michael Collins
Michael Lepore
Mikov Knives
Millit Knives Jerry Moen
Parker Cutlery Company
Paul Chen
Phantom Knives
Phil Booth
Pocket Knife
Prince Custom Knives
R.D. Nolen
RC Campbell
Richard Rappazzo
Robert Enders
Robert Parrish
Rudy Ruana
Sam Cox
Scott Barry
Scott Cook
Seiichi Tasaki
Shane Sibert
Sheffield England
Shiva Ki
Steve Voorhis
Tiffany & Co.
Toni Nikolas Tietzel
Tsuguo Kurosawa
Walt Kneubuhler
Walter Erickson
Walter Kneubuhler
Wayne Olson
Wenger Swiss Army
William Herndon
Yoshihiro Fujimoto
Filter by Blade Material
Any Blade Material
.7% Carbon- Hand-Forged Pure Iron and High Carbon steel ((Kinzan's special proprietary mix)) Kobuse construction ("U" shaped jacket-iron core insert)
"Angel Hair" pattern Damascus
"Cracked Ice" S30V
"Dove with Olive Branch" Mosaic Damascus
"Egyptian" Pattern Damascus
"Explosion" Damascus
"Itame Gane" Kinzan Damascus High Carbon Steel
"Mokume Gane" Kinzan's Proprietary High Carbon Steel
"Pearls and Valleys" Pattern Damascus
"Rutsubo Gane" Kinzan's proprietary Crucible steel made form iron and carbon (sand iron steel)
"Saturn's Rings" High Carbon Vanadium Damascus
"Wave" ZDP189 Core Damascus
1050 - Clay Tempered
1050 Carbon Steel with Hamon
1050 Clay Tempered with Hamon
1084 and 15n20 "Feather" pattern Damascus
1084 Steel
1095 Carbon Steel
1095 High Carbon Steel and Selectively Heat Treated
1095 Steel
1095 with Clay Tempering Line
12c27 Steel
139B Jessup Steel
14 Kt Gold
14c28n Steel
14Kt Gold Dot Inlaid Mike Norris "Bent Lightning" Stainless Steel Damascus
154 CM
15N20 & 20c Explosion Damascus Forged by Micke Andersson
18Kt Gold Nib
2 Tone Finish ATS-34 Stainless Steel (Mirror Polish Grinds & Satin Finished Flats)
2 Tone Finish CPM-154
2 Tone Finished CTS B7SP (Mirror Polished Grinds and Satin Finished Flats)
2 Tone Finished S30vn
20CV Stainless Steel
22Kt Gold Inlaid Damasteel Damascus
24 Kt Gold
24 Kt Gold Plated Sole Authorship Damascus
24Kt Gold Plated Devin Thomas Damascus
3/4" Thick Integral Steel
4 bar Damascus
440 C
440-C Stainless Steel
440C Mirror polished
5160 Steel
60RC ATS34
A-2 Tool Steel Edge-Hardened
A2 Stainless Steel
Acid Etched by Hand 1095 Steel
Acid Etched Damascus
Acid Etched Stone Washed Super Gold 2 Steel
Acid Stonewashed 154CM Steel
Acid Wash CPM-154 Steel
Acid Wash Tumbled 1095 Steel with Hamon
Acid Washed s35vn Steel
Alabama Damascus
Anodized Mosaic Jellyroll Damascus
Anodized Titanium and ATS-34 Composite Blade
Antiqued D2 Tool Steel
Aogami Super Steel (AS)
Apocalyptic Finish Elmax Stainless Steel
ATS-34 Bead Blasted
ATS-34 Highly Polished
ATS-34 Satin Finished
ATS-34 Stainless Steel
ATS-34 Steel Hand Rubbed Satin Finished Flats with Mirror Polished Grinds
ATS-34 Steel Mirror Finished
Bailey Bradshaw 1084 & 15n20 Damascus
Barbwire Pattern Blade
Bead Blasted 154-CM
Bead Blasted 440-C
Bead Blasted and Tumbled CPM-154
Bead Blasted ATS-34
Bead Blasted BG42
Bead Blasted CPM-154 Steel
Bead Blasted CTS-XHP
Bead Blasted S30V
Bertie Rietveld "Nebula" Damascus
Bertie Rietveld's "Dragonskin" Damascus
Bertie Rietveld's "Turkish Twist" Damascus
Black Baked Enamel Mike Sakmar Stainless Damascus
Black Coated CPM 154 CM
Black Coated D-2 Steel
Black Laquered and 24Kt Gold Plated Sole Authorship "Basket Weave" Damascus of 15N20 and 1084
Blasted & Tumbled 2 Tone Finished Z-finit Steel
Blasted and Tumbled S110-V Steel
Blasted, Acid Etched and Tumbled CPM 3V Steel
Blasted, Tumbled & Copper Washed 3V Steel
Blue Chad Nichols Damascus Blade
Blue Damascus
Blued Ball Bearing Damascus
Blued Bertie Rietveld's "Dragonskin" Damascus
Blued Carved Damascus
Blued Chad Nichols "Iguana" Pattern Damascus
Blued Chad Nichols Damascus
Blued Chad Nichols Mosaic Damascus
Blued Conny Persson Mosaic Damascus
Blued Damascus
Blued Damascus 1070 and nickel
Blued Damascus with 24Kt Gold Inlays
Blued Damascus with silver feather shaft inlay
Blued Devin Thomas Damascus
Blued Flag/25 pattern Damascus
Blued Forged W2 Tool Steel
Blued Jerry Rados Turkish Twist Damascus
Blued Meteorite
Blued Mike Norris "Modified Twist" Damascus
Blued Mosaic Damascus
Blued O-1 Tool Steel
Blued Rob Calcinore Multi-Bar Mosaic Damascus
Blued Rob Thomas Damascus
Blued Robbert Eggerling Damascus with 18KT Gold Letter A
Blued Robert Eggerling Damascus
Blued Robert Eggerling Mosaic Damascus
Blued Shane Taylor "Footprint" Mosaic Damascus
Blued Sole Authorship "Boots, Spurs & Cowboy Hat" Mosaic Damascus
Blued Sole Authorship "Dragon Skin" Damascus
Blued Sole Authorship "Nebula" Damascus
Blued Sole Authorship "Scorpion" Mosaic Damascus
Blued Sole Authorship "Dragon Skin" Damascus
Blued Sole Authorship Damascus
Blued Sole Authorship Damascus with 24 Kt Gold Inlays
Blued Sole Authorship Mosaic Damascus
Blued Sole Authorship Mosaic Damascus "Dragon Skin" & Linear Nickel
Blued Sole Authorship Multibar Composite Damascus
Blued Steel
Blued Steel with 24Kt Gold and Silver Inlays
Blued Thunder Forge Damascus
Blued Todd Fischer Damascus
Brad Vice Damascus
Brass Suspensed Sole Authorship Ladder Pattern Damascus with Gear Etched into the Cutting Edge of the Blade
Bud Hubbard Ladder Damascus
Bunnell Etched 440-C Blade
Cable Damascus
Carbon Fiber Laminated Blade
Carbon Steel
Carpenter XHP High Performance Stainless Steel
Carved & Stippled 440 C
Carved and Blued Damascus
Carved ATS-34
Carved Blued Doug Ponzio Damascus
Carved Blued Mosaic Damascus
Carved Blued Sole Authorship "Nebula" Damascus
Carved Blued Sole Authorship Damascus with 24 Kt Gold Inlays
Carved Damascus
Carved Damasteel
Carved Damasteel with 18Kt Gold Inlay
Carved Devin Thomas Damascus
Carved Sole Authorship Damascus
Carved Stainless Steel
Carved Stainless Steel Damascus
Carved Stainless Steel with Damascus Inlay
Carved Two Tone Stee
Carved, Blued Multibar Mosaic Damascus
Cast 440C
Cerakote A-2
Chad Nichols "Armor Core" Damascus
Chad Nichols "Black Hole" Damascus
Chad Nichols "Mind Melts" Damascus
Chad Nichols "Raindrop" Damascus
Chad Nichols Carbon Damascus
Chad Nichols Damascus
Chad Nichols Galactic Bacon Damascus
Chad Nichols Iguana Damascus
Chad Nichols Mosaic Damascus
Chad Nichols San Mai Damascus
Chad Nichols Stainless "Blackout" Damascus
Chad Nichols Stainless Lizard Damascus
Chad Nichols Stainless Steel Blackout Damascus
Chad Nichols Stainless Steel Damascus
Chiseled and Carved Blued Damascus
Chris Marks "Wasp" Pattern Damascus
Chuck Hawes Damascus
Claude Schosseler Carbon Damascus
Claude Shoessler Damascus
Clay Tempered 1050 High Carbon Steel
Colored Nickel/Carbon Damascus with RWL34 on the Edge
Composite "Herringbone Damascus" and Vanax 35
Composite Blade of D2 "Cutting Edge" & CPM154 "Back of Blade"
Composite Dragonskin and Fracture centre
Composite Multi-bar Mosaic Damascus
Conny Persson Damascus
Copper Wave Damascus
Copper Wave w/VG 5 core
CPM 154
CPM 154 CM
CPM-154 with Satin Flats and Raw Grind Bevels
Craig Barr Damascus
Cru Forge V Crucible Steel
Crucible Cast Steel (Swedish Iron)
CTS-B75P with Mirror Polished Grinds and Satin Finished Flats
Damascus Blade
Damascus nickel
Damascus Sol Authorship
Damascus Steel
Damascus with 14 Kt Gold Inlays
Damascus with 24 Kt Gold Inlays
Damascus with Diamonds set in the Blade
Damascus with Gold Inlays
Damascus with Gold Pins
Damascus with Jade and Gold Inlays
Damasteel "Twist" Pattern Damascus
Damasteel Damascus
Damasteel Damascus with 18Kt Gold Inlay
Damasteel Inlayed with 24Kt. Gold
Damasteel with 14Kt Gold Inlays
Damasteel with 24Kt Gold & Platinum Inlays
Damasteel with Gold Inlays
Darkwater Steel ®
Daryl Meier "Turkish Twist" Damascus
Daryl Meier Damascus
Daryl Meier Damascus Set with 10 Diamonds
Deep Relief Carved ATS-34 Steel
Deep Relief Engraved 440-C
Deep Relief Engraved Blued Steel
Delbert Ealy Damascus
Delbert Ealy Fish Pattern Damascus
Devin Thomas "Herring Bone" Damascus
Devin Thomas "Herring Bone" Damascus with XHP Core
Devin Thomas "Raindrop" Damascus
Devin Thomas "Reptilian" Damascus
Devin Thomas "Roses and Vines" Mosaic Damascus
Devin Thomas "Shark's Tooth" Damascus
Devin Thomas Blued Spirograph Damascus
Devin Thomas Damascus
Devin Thomas Damascus with Polished Fluted Stainless Steel Inlays
Devin Thomas Dot Matrix Damascus
Devin Thomas Ladder Pattern Damascus
Devin Thomas Spirograph Damascus
Devin Thomas Stainless Steel Damascus
Devin Thomas Stainless Steel Damascus with 24Kt Gold Inlays
Devon Thomas Damascus
DLC 204P
DLC Coated 154-CM
DLC Coated ATS-34
DLC Coated RWL-34
DLC Coated S30-V
DLC Coated S35VN
DLC Coated Steel
DLC Coated YXR7 Steel
Dmitry Zhukov Damascus
Don Hanson Mosaic Damascus
Double Damascus Zipper Blade with 24Kt Gold Inlays
Doug Ponzio Damascus
Dragon Skin Damascus
Draupner Pattern Stainless Damascus
Dual Finished (Battle Warn with Hand Rubbed Satin Flats) N690 Steel
Duratech 20CV
Ed Caffrey San Mai
Ed Schempp 4 Bar Composite Damascus
Elmax San Mai Damascus
Engraced 440A
Engraved & Burnished Gold ATS-34 Steel
Engraved 14 Kt Gold
Engraved 18Kt Gold
Engraved 440-C
Engraved 440-C Steel
Engraved ATS-34
Engraved ATS-34 with 24Kt Gold Inlays
Engraved Blued Sole Authorship Damascus
Engraved Blued Steel
Engraved Blued Steel with 24Kt. Gold Inlays
Engraved Carbon Steel
Engraved Carbon Steel with 14 Kt Gold Inlays
Engraved Damascus
Engraved Damascus w/ 24Kt Gold Inlays
Engraved French Grayed Carbon Steel
Engraved French Grayed Carbon Steel with 14Kt Gold Inlays
Engraved Hand Rubbed Satin Finished 440-C Steel
Engraved Hand Rubbed Satin Finished 440-C Steel with 24Kt Gold Inlays
Engraved Hand Rubbed Satin Finished ATS-34
Engraved Hand Rubbed Satin Finished CPM-154
Engraved Integral 440-C Steel
Engraved Integral Hand Rubbed Satin Finished ATS-34 Steel
Engraved Mirror Polished 440-C Steel
Engraved Mirror Polished 440C Steel
Engraved San Mai Damascus
Engraved Satin Finished ATS-34
Engraved Stainless Steel
Engraved Stainless Steel with 24Kt Gold Inlays
Engraved Steel
Ettore Gianferarri Damascus
Fain Edwards Damascus
Feather Damascus
Fire Colored Tri-Tone Stone wash Hand Ground Cowry-Y Steel
Flat Ground Dave Lisch Mosaic Carbon Damascus Steel
Fluted 2 Tone Finished Hand Rubbed Damascus
Fluted ATS-34
Fluted Damascus
Fluted Damasteel
Fluted Damasteel Damascus with 24Kt Gold Inlays
Fluted Hand Rubbed Satin Finished 440C Stainless Steel
Fluted Hand Rubbed Satin Finished 440C Steel
Fluted Hand Rubbed Satin Finished ATS-34 Steel
Fluted Integral 440-C Steel with Damascus Overlays and 18Kt Gold Pins & Accents
Fluted Sole Authorship Damascus
Fluted Steel
Fluted, Hand Rubbed Satin Finished, Mirror Polished 440-C Steel with Damasteel & Gold Inlays
Forged 1084 Steel
Forged 5160 Carbon Steel
Forged Coil Spring
Forged Mosaic Damascus
Forged Steel w/ Hamon
Forged Studebaker Spring Steel
Forged to Shape Damascus
Forged to Shape Jerry Rados "Turkish Twist" Damascus
Friedrich Schneider Damascus
Fused Stainless Steel and Titanium
Gary House Damascus
George Werth Damascus
Gold Colored Damascus
Gold Infused Damascus
Green Canvas Micarta Inlayed Serrated S-30V
Gun Blued ATS-34 Stainless Steel
Gun Blued Sole Authorship Damascus
H. Fritz Schneider "Birdseye" Damascus
H. Fritz Schneider "Birdseye" Damascus
Hakkapella Damasteel
Hamaguri-ba OU-31 Stainless Steel with a Non-Reflective Disruptive Acid Finish
Hand filed, sculpted, and finished from 1/2†thick integral 440C steel.
Hand Forged .8% High-Carbon Steel, with folded iron core. Kobuse construction ("U" shaped jacket - iron core insert) San-Mai (three layer)
Hand Forged "Tetsuhagane" .7% Carbon- Pure Iron and High Carbon Steel (Kinzan's Special Proprietary Mix) Kobuse Construction ("U" Shaped Jacket-Iron Core Insert)
Hand Forged 1075 Carbon Steel with Clay Tempered Hamon
Hand Forged 440C Steel
Hand Forged 5160 Steel
Hand Forged 52100 Ball Bearing Steel
Hand Forged 52100 Carbon Steel
Hand Forged and Hand Rubbed Satin Finished 52100
Hand Forged From a 1" Ball Bearing (52100 Steel)
Hand Forged L-6 Steel with Temper Line (Rockwell Hardness 61 at Cutting Edge & 55 Along Spine)
Hand Forged O-1 Tool Steel
Hand Forged Railroad Spike
Hand forged San Mai Steel Laminated with 1084 Steel on the inside and 316 Stainless Steel on the Outside
Hand Forged Steel
Hand Forged Steel with Clay Tempered Hamon
Hand Forged Steel with Hamon
Hand Forged W2 Steel with Hamon
Hand Forged-Folded Steel
Hand Ground, Tumble Finished Blade
Hand Rubbed 2000 Grit Finish 154CM
Hand Rubbed 440-C
Hand Rubbed 6BH Cobalt Alloy
Hand Rubbed Satin Finish 6K Stellite
Hand Rubbed Satin Finish Flats & Mirror Polished Grinds
Hand Rubbed Satin Finish S35-VN
Hand Rubbed Satin Finished 01 Tool Steel
Hand Rubbed Satin Finished 1050 Steel
Hand Rubbed Satin Finished 12c27 Steel
Hand Rubbed Satin Finished 154
Hand Rubbed Satin Finished 154-CM
Hand Rubbed Satin Finished 416 Stainless Steel
Hand Rubbed Satin Finished 440-C
Hand Rubbed Satin Finished 440V Steel
Hand Rubbed Satin Finished A2 Tool Steel
Hand Rubbed Satin Finished AEB-L Steel
Hand Rubbed Satin Finished ATS-34
Hand Rubbed Satin Finished ATS-34 with Differentially Anodized Engraved Titanium Inlay
Hand Rubbed Satin Finished ATS-45
Hand Rubbed Satin Finished BG-42 Steel
Hand rubbed Satin Finished Cowry-Y
Hand Rubbed Satin Finished CPM D-2 Steel
Hand Rubbed Satin Finished CPM-154
Hand Rubbed Satin Finished CPM-154 CM
Hand Rubbed Satin Finished CTS-XHP Steel
Hand Rubbed Satin Finished D-2 Steel
Hand Rubbed Satin Finished Elmax Steel
Hand Rubbed Satin Finished Flats and Mirror Polished Ground ATS-34 Steel
Hand Rubbed Satin Finished Fluted BG-42 Steel
Hand Rubbed Satin Finished Forged 1050 Carbon Steel
Hand Rubbed Satin Finished Forged 5160 Carbon Steel
Hand Rubbed Satin Finished Forged L-6 High Carbon Tool Steel with Hamon
Hand Rubbed Satin Finished Integral 440C
Hand Rubbed Satin Finished Integral RWL-34
Hand rubbed Satin Finished LDC-4
Hand Rubbed Satin Finished N690 Steel
Hand Rubbed Satin Finished Re-curved Compound Ground Stainless Steel
Hand Rubbed Satin Finished RWL-34 Steel
Hand Rubbed Satin Finished S-35VN Steel
Hand Rubbed Satin Finished S30V Steel
Hand Rubbed Satin Finished S35VN Steel
Hand Rubbed Satin Finished S90V
Hand Rubbed Satin Finished Sandvik 12C27 Stainless Steel
Hand Rubbed Satin Finished SLD (Hitachi Metals)
Hand Rubbed Satin Finished Stainless Steel
Hand Rubbed Satin Finished Stainless Steel with Hamon
Hand Rubbed Satin Finished Steel
Hand Rubbed Satin Finished Unetched Devin Thomas "Spirograph" Pattern Damascus
Hand-Forged W-2
Handforged 52100 Steel
Handforged Carbon Steel
Harley Davidson Drive Chain Steel
Hattori Cowry-X Damascus
Heinz Denig Mosaic Damascus
High Carbon Damascus
High Carbon Steel
High Carbon Steel Damascus Mokume Gane Pattern "Burled Wood Grain"
High Contrast and Color Accordion cut Mosaic Damascus
Hollow Ground Tumble Finish Stainless Steel Blade
Hot Blued Sole Authorship "Mummy" Pattern Mosaic Damascus
Howard Clark "Random Pattern" Damascus
Inox Damascus
Inox Stainless Steel
Integral 440C
Integral Hand Rubbed Satin Finished ATS-34 Steel
Integral NIOB Alloyed PM Steel
Integral RWL-34
Integral RWL-34 Steel
J.D. Smith Damascus
Jason Morrissey Damascus
Jerry McClure Damascus
Jerry Rados "Ladder" Pattern Damascus
Jerry Rados "Turkish Twist" Damascus
Jerry Rados Damascus
Joel Davis "Static" Damascus
Joel Davis "Turkish Burst" Damascus
Joel Davis Mosaic Damascus
Johan Gustafsson Multi-Bar Mosaic Damascus
Johan Gustafsson Unicorn Mosaic Damascus
John W. Smith Ground CPM-154
Kevin Casey Feather Damascus
Konstantin Lysenko Mosaic Damascus
Ladder Pattern Damascus
Ladder Pattern Damascus Forged & Ground by Jim Schmidt
Larry Donnelly Damascus
Laser Etched Blade
Laser Etched S-30Vn
Layered Laminated VG-10 Cobalt Stainless Steel
M-Parker 18 KT Gold Nib
M-Parker Nib
M390 Steel
Machined BG-42
Machined Damascus
Machined Hand Rubbed Satin Finished ATS-34
Machined N390
Machined Striated Steel with DLC Coating
Martin Balback Turkish Twist Damascus
Mary Dake Damascus
Mattias Styrefos "Rose Pattern" Mosaic Damascus
Mattias Styrefos Mosaic Damascus
Meteorite Damascus
Mick Maxen Damascus
Mike Fellows "Rochas Mosaic" Damascus
Mike Norris "Fire Clone"
Mike Norris "Hornets Nest" Damascus
Mike Norris "Raindrop" Damascus
Mike Norris "Spirograph" Stainless Damascus
Mike Norris "Sun Storm" Damascus
Mike Norris "Hornets Nest" Damascus
Mike Norris crazy lace damascus
Mike Norris Damascus
Mike Norris Damascus Blade with 14Kt Gold Inlays
Mike Norris Damascus with 8 Diamond Inlays
Mike Norris Ladder Pattern Damascus
Mike Norris San Mai 440-V Core Damascus
Mike Norris San Mai Damascus
Mike Norris Stainless Damascus
Mike Norris Stainless Damascus with 5 Ball Bearing Inlays
Mike Norris Stainless Steel Damascus 24Kt Gold Inlays
Mike Norris Stainless Steel Damascus with 14Kt Rose Gold Inlays
Mike Norris Stainless Steel Damascus with 5 Rubies Set in the Fuller
Mirror Polished
Mirror Polished 12c27 Steel
Mirror Polished 154CM
Mirror Polished 154CM with Mother of Pearl Inlay
Mirror Polished 440 Hallows with Unfinished Flats
Mirror Polished 440-A
Mirror Polished 440-C Steel
Mirror Polished A2 Steel
Mirror Polished and Bead Blasted Flats Stainless Steel
Mirror Polished ATS 34
Mirror Polished ATS-34
Mirror Polished ATS-34 Steel with 14Kt Rose Gold Fuller
Mirror Polished ATS-34 Steel with Francesco Pachi's Trademark Scalloping
Mirror Polished ATS-34 with 14Kt Gold Inlaid Fuller
Mirror Polished ATS-34 with Carbon Fiber Inlays
Mirror Polished BG-42
Mirror Polished Cowry-Y
Mirror Polished CPM 154-CM Steel
Mirror Polished CPM-154
Mirror Polished D-2
Mirror Polished Elmax
Mirror Polished Flats, Hand Satin Finished Bevel Sandvic 12C27
Mirror Polished Forged 5160 Carbon Steel
Mirror Polished Forged Steel
Mirror Polished Integral 440C
Mirror Polished Integral ATS-34
Mirror Polished Integral D-2 Steel
Mirror Polished Integral RWL 34 Steel
Mirror Polished RWL-34
Mirror Polished RWL-34 Steel with 18Kt Gold Fuller
Mirror Polished S-30V Steel
Mirror Polished S-7 Stainless Steel
Mirror Polished Special Melt Steel
Mirror Polished Stainless Steel
Mirror Polished Steel
Mirror Polished ZDP Steel
Mosaic Damascus
Mosiac Damascus w/14k gold opening pins & Fileworked Spine
Multibar Mosaic Damascus
Multibar Twist Damascus-"Twist" pattern damascus made from 15N20 & 20C
N690 Hand Rubbed Satin Steel
Nichols Stainless Damascus
Nick Smolen "Progressive Twist" Damascus
Nitro-V Steel
Nitrobe 77 Swedish Steel
Norris Double Stainless Damascus Engraved with 24k Gold
O-1 Blackout
O-1 Tool Steel
Owen Wood "Chevron & Explosion Mosaic Damascus"
Owen Wood "Chevron Damascus"
Owen Wood "Chevron Damascus"
Parkerized 1084 Forged Steel Differential Heat treated
Parkerized Black 1084 Forged Steel
Parkerized Steel
Philip Baldwin Damascus
Pierced and Carved 440-C
Pierced Hand Rubbed Satin Finished ATS-34 Steel
Pink and Green Jade Inlaid Stainless Steel
Polished Carved & Differentially Etched Mike Norris Stainless Damascus
Polished Hollow Grinds and Bead Blasted Flats
Polished Poinsettia pattern Damascus from 1084 and 15N20 carbon steels
Pressed Stainless and Anodized Titanium Blade
Professionally Polished Special Melt Steel
PVD Coated S35VN
Raindrop Damascus
Random pattern damascus
Re-Sharpened Blade
Rob Calcinore "Patch Work" Blued Damascus
Rob Calcinore Lily Pattern Mosaic Damascus
Rob Thomas "Herringbone" Damascus
Rob Thomas "Raindrop" Carbon Damascus
Rob Thomas Ladder Pattern Stainless Damascus
Rob Thomas Vines & Roses Damascus
Robert Calcinore Mosaic Damascus
Robert Eggerling "Scroll Pattern" Damascus
Robert Eggerling Damascus
Robert Eggerling Mosaic Damascus
Robert Eggerling Mosaic Damascus in Quilt Pattern
Robert Eggerling slanted quilt mosaic and heat colored Damascus
RWL 36
S-35VN Steel
S30-V Steel with Laser Etch Design Finish
S30V Steel with Mirror Polished Flats and Satin Finished Grounds
S30V with Digicam Pattern
San Mai Damascus
San Mai Damascus with a VG10 Stainless Steel Core
San Mai Damascus with Carbon Fiber Inlay
San-Mai meteorite Damascus
Sandvik 12C27 Stainless Steel
Sandvik 19C27
Satin Finished 139-B Jessop Steel
Satin Finished 440C
Satin Finished 52100 Ball Bearing Steel
Satin Finished ATS-34
Satin Finished CPMS30V
Satin Finished CTS-B75P
Satin Finished Flats with Mirror Polished Grinds
Satin Finished Stainless Steel
Satin Finished Stainless Steel Integral
Satin Finished, Chisel Ground Blade Lightly Tumbled
Satin Finished/Tumbled PD-1
Satin Grinds/Forged Flats Stainless Steel
SB1 Neolux Steel
Schanz Schneider Stainless Damascus Steel
Sculpted sole authorship Mosaic Damascus
Selectively Etched Fluted Damasteel Damascus
Sharks Tooth Zipper Blade
Skull Engraved RWL-34
Sole Authorship "Chevron & Explosion" Mosaic Damascus
Sole Authorship "Chevron & Flame" Damascus
Sole Authorship "Chevron & Twist" Damascus
Sole Authorship "Dragonskin" Damascus
Sole Authorship "Explosion" Damascus
Sole Authorship "Feather" Pattern Damascus
Sole Authorship "Flames & Cheveron" Pattern Damascus
Sole Authorship "Frog Skin" Nickel Damascus
Sole Authorship "Ladder Pattern" Damascus
Sole Authorship "Playboy Bunny" Mosaic Damascus
Sole Authorship "Tiger Stripe" Damascus Blued to Gold
Sole Authorship "Tweety Bird & Sylvester" Mosaic Damascus
Sole Authorship "Winding Feather" Damascus
Sole Authorship "Explosion" Damascus
Sole Authorship 1080 and 15N20 Damascus
Sole Authorship 2 Bar Double Twist Composite 1095 and 203e Steel
Sole Authorship 5 Bar Turkish Twist Damascus
Sole Authorship 5 Layer Mosaic Damascus
Sole Authorship 7-Bar Explosion Mosaic Damascus
Sole Authorship Blackened 1095 Nickel Damascus
Sole Authorship Blade of Tapering Nickel Lines Flanked with Blued "Nebula" Damascus
Sole Authorship Blued Damascus
Sole Authorship Blued Mosaic "Samurai" Damascus
Sole Authorship Cable Damascus
Sole Authorship Damascus
Sole Authorship Damascus (1095 Steel & Pure Nickel) with 22kt Gold Wash Over the Nickel
Sole Authorship Damascus w/ 24Kt Gold Inlays
Sole Authorship Damascus with "Stars" Selectively Etched on to the W-2 Composite Wedge
Sole Authorship Damascus with 24Kt Gold Inlays
Sole Authorship Damascus with 4 Gem Stones
Sole Authorship Damascus with Gold Leaf & Jade Inlays
Sole Authorship Engraved Blued Steel
Sole Authorship Engraved Blued Steel with 24Kt Gold Inlays
Sole Authorship Engraved Damasteel
Sole Authorship Engraved Damasteel Damascus "Twist Pattern"
Sole Authorship Engraved French Grey Finished 07 Tool Steel
Sole Authorship Engraved French Greyed 0-1 Tool Steel with 24KT Gold Inlays
Sole Authorship Engraved Sole Authorship Damascus
Sole Authorship Engraved with 24Kt Gold Inlays Mosaic Damascus
Sole Authorship Hand Forged Damascus (1084 & 15N20) Steel
Sole Authorship Meteorite Damascus
Sole Authorship Mosaic "Fossil" Damascus
Sole Authorship Mosaic Damascus
Sole Authorship Multi-Bar (Linear & Twist) Damascus
Sole Authorship Multi-bar Firecracker Mosaic Damascus
Sole Authorship Multi-Colored Mosaic Damascus
Sole Authorship Multibar Chevron and Explosion Damascus
Sole Authorship Multibar Damascus
Sole Authorship Multibar Mosaic Damascus
Sole Authorship Nickel Damascus
Sole Authorship San Mai Damascus
Sole Authorship three bar composite Damascus blade with a snowflake Damascus core and tight twist edge bars.
Sole Authorship Triple Bar Damascus
Solingen Stainless Steel
Solingen Steel
Special Mix of High-Carbon Steel Damascus Itame Gane
Special Mix of High-Carbon Steel Damascus Mokkume Gane Pattern
Spirograph Damascus
Stainless BG-42
Stainless Steel
Stainless Steel "Raindrop" Pattern Damascus
Stainless Steel Damascus
Stainless Steel highly polished
Stainless Steel Satin finish with blade extension
Stainless Steel Satin Finished
Steel Carbon Damascus by Alabama Damascus
steel from the Concorde Aircraft
Steel. ?
Stellite 6K
Stellite 6K Steel
Steve Mullin Damascus
Stone Wash N690
Stone Washed ATS-34
Stone Washed CTS 204 P
Stone Washed Elmax
Stonewash Z-Finite Steel
Stonewashed CPM 154 Stainless Steel
Stonewashed D2
Stonewashed RWL 34
Stonewashed S30V Steel
Stonewashed S35VN
Stonewashed VANAX 37 Blade with Polished Flats
Tamahagane Steel
Theuns Prinsloo Damascus 1070/1084/ hot blued
Tiger Striped S30V
Tim Ferguson "Brown Damascus"
Tim Zowada Random Damascus
Titanium & Carbide with Carbon Fiber
Titanium Laminated Carbon Fiber
Titanium With Carbide Edge
Titanium/G10 Laminate with Carbide Edge
Tom Ferry Damascus
Tool Steel
Tri-Tone Stone Wash 154-CM Steel
Triple Bar Damascus
Tumble Finished Recurve Blade with False Top Edge
Tumble Finished RWL-34 with Light Acid Wash
Tumbled 154CM
Tumbled, Brown Anodized, Acid Washed S35VN Steel
Tungsten Coated D-2 Steel
Tungsten DLC Coated ATS-34
Tungsten DLC Coated ZDP-189
Turkish Twist Damascus
Twist Damascus Damasteel
Twisted Damascus
Two Tone 440-C Blade with Bead Blasted Center & Mirror Polished Grinds
Two Tone 440-C Blade with Black Center & Mirror Polished Grinds
Two Tone ATS-34
Two Tone Finished (Mirror Polished & Hand rubbed Satin Finished) ATS-34 Blade with Carbon Fiber Inlay
Two Tone Finished 154 CM Steel
Two Tone Finished ATS-34 Steel
Two Tone Finished CPM154
Two Tone Finished ELMAX Stainless Steel
Two Tone Finished RWL-34
Two Tone Finshed Cowry-Y Steel
Two Tone S35VN
Two Tone Satin Finish
Two Tone Satin/Mirror Finish ATS-34
Two Tone Tumbled Dark Etched Steel
Two-Tone S35VN Satin Finished Flats Stone Washed Bevels
Urban Camo Coated S-30V
Vandis 4
VG-10 Stainless Steel
Vladic Daniluk Mosaic Damascus
Walter Brend Ground & Mirror Polished Blade
Wootz Steel
World Trade Center Steel I-Beam
XHP San Mai Damascus
XHP Steel
Z-Finite Steel
ZDP-189 Core "Wave" Pattern Damascus
Zebra Damascus
Zipper Blade
3/4 serrated blade. Selectively tempered, has Rockwell C-scale hardness of 62 at the edge (as hard as a file), and HRC 50-54 throughout the spine and hidden full tang
420HC Stainless Steel
440A Stainless Steel
440B Stainless Steel
A2 Tool Steel
Abalone Shell Inlaid
ATS 34
Cromax PM
DLC Coated Magnacut
Don Hastings Damascus
Engraved Damascus with 24Kt Gold and Silver Inlays
Engraved Integral 440-c Steel with 24 Kt Gold Inlay and Blued Steel Center
Engraved Stainless Steel Damascus with 24Kt Gold Inlays
Etched Boye Dendritic Cobalt Steel
Etched Steel
File Steel
Forged 1086
Forged File Steel
Forged Thick Stock 425M Stainless Steel
Fossilized Walrus
German Stainless Steel
Gold Washed ATS-34
Hand Forged Damascus Carbon Steel
Hot Blued 1084 Carbon Steel
Integral Conny Persson Damascus
Knapped Stainless Steel
Light Spit Marks
Multi Bar Composite Damascus Forged by renowned Swedish Bladesmith Mattias Styrefors
Powder-Coated SK-5 Steel
Rob Thomas Damascus
Sole Authorship Engraved Damascus
Sterling Silver
Stippled and Hand Rubbed Satin Finished ATS-34
Stone Washed CPM-154
Stonewash Finished CPM-Magnacut
Textured Carbon Steel
Two Tone Finished
Vanax 37
Filter by Locking Mechanism
Any Locking Mechanism
"Bertie-Lock" Bolster Tilt Mechanism
Advanced IQ Lock
Ambi Lock
Arrow Lock
Axial Locking Mechanism
Bale Lock
Ball Bearing Lock
Bar Lock
Bennica Lock System
Bertie Lock
Blade Lock
Bolser Release
Bolster Lock
Bolster Release
Bolster Release Lockback
Bullet Lock
Button Lock
button lock auto
Button Release
California Lock
D B "David Broadwell" Lock
D Lock
Dead Bolt Lock
Deadbolt Button Lock
Double Detent Lock
Double Lock
Double Lock Back
Ethos Button Lock
Ferrule Lock
Foldaway Opening
Frame Lock
Friction Folder
Front Lock
Funny Folder
Galvanic Mechanism
Gravity Knife
Hidden Release Auto
Inlaid Lock
Lanyard Lock
Latch Release
lever lock
Lever Release
liner lock
Lock Back
Lockback & Bail Lock
Lockback & Slipjoint
Lockback and Slipjoint
Lower-IQ Lock
Magnetic Lock
Magnetic slip joint
Mid Lock
Mod Lock
Multi Position Button Lock
Multi-Lock Spline or Ball Bearing Indexer
Nirk Lock
Non Flipper Flipper
Oval Blade Lock
Patent Pending Locking Mechanism
Pick Lock
Piston Lock
Piston Lock with Safety Lock
Plunge Lock
Pocket Lock
Proprietary Locking System
Push button Lock Back
Rear Lock
Rocker Bar Credit Card Mechanism
Rocker Bar Release Liner Lock Credit Card Mechanism
Scale Release
Scale Release Auto Folder
Scalloped Top lock
Scorpion Lock
Self Lock
Side Lock
Slide Release
Sliding Bar Lock
Sliding Lockbar and Pivoting Button Release
Slip Joint
Slip Joint & Lock Back
Spyderco Bi-Fold Locking System
Stud Lock
T-Lock with Lockback
Tab Release
Tail Lock
Titanium Nirk Lock
Toggle Lock
Top Liner Lock
Top Lock
Trapdoor Lock
Vibrolock Twistlock
Virobloc Twistlock
Filter by Scale/Handle Material
Any Scale Material
.925 Sterling Silver
"Dragon Glass" Zirconium
14 Kt Gold
14Kt Gold Gem Strip Inlaid with Sapphires
14Kt Gold Lugs with Emeralds and Engraved 14Kt Gold Shield
18 Kt Gold Diamond Encrusted Gem Strip, 18Kt Gold Escutcheon, South Sea Goldlip Pearl
416 Stainless Steel
Abalone Shell
Acacia Wood
African Blackwood
Amber Jigged Bone
Amber Stag
Amber with 24Kt Gold Makie Overlays
American Walnut
Anodized Titanium with Rubber Inserts
Antler Crown and Rawhide
Apple Coral
Armadillo Shell
Bark Mammoth Tusk
Bertie Reitveld Dragonskin Damascus
Biggs Jasper
Birds Eye Maple
Black Anodized Aluminum
Black Bakelite
Black Buffalo Horn and Camel Bone
Black Burl Maple
Black G-10
Black G-10 with Rubber Inserts
Black Jade Carved and Inlaid with Engraved 24K Gold Leaves
Black linen macarta
Black Lip Mother of Pearl
Black Lip Pearl
Black Lip Pearl Shell
Black Lip Tahitian Pearl Shell
Black Lip Tahtian Pearl Shell with 24Kt Gold Inlays
Black Micarta
Black Micarta Set with Gem Stones
Black Obsidian
Black Shred Copper Marble Carbon Fiber
Black Timascus
Blacklip Pearl
Blackwood -carved
Blue Anodized Aluminum
Blue Mammoth
Blue/Green Mammoth
Blued Robert Eggerling Mosaic Damascus
Blued Steel Wrapped Piqued Black Lip Tahitian Pearl Shell with 24Kt Gold Dots
Bocote Wood
Brown Lip Pearl Shell
Burgundy Micarta
Burgundy Micarta with Rubber Inserts
Burl Wood
California Big Sur Jade
Camo Micarta
Canvas Micarta
Cape Buffalo Horn
Carbon Fiber
Carbon Fiber with Gold Dots
Carved 14Kt Gold Accents, Carved Mother of Pearl Shell
Carved Abalone Shell Accented with 3 Diamonds
Carved and Scrimshawed Mammoth
Carved and Scrimshawed Reindeer Horn
Carved Blue Anodized Titanium with Gold Inlays
carved bone
Carved Bone Cobra
Carved Bone with Tiger Eye
Carved Fossil Walrus
Carved Mammoth
Carved Mokume with Gold Lip Mother of Pearl Mokume By Bastian
Carved Mommoth Scales
Carved Moose Antler
Carved Mother of Pearl Shell
Carved Narwhale
Carved Premium Mother of Pearl Scales
Carved Silver
Carved Studded Mammoth
Carved Walrus with 24Kt Gold Inlays
Carved Wood
Carved Zirconium
Carved, painted, and lacquered wood handle and sheath
Chad Nichols Damascus
Charoite stone inlays
Chatoyant Carbon Fiber
Checked Mammoth
Checkered and Carved Wood with Carved Mammoth Escutcheon
Checkered Black Lip Pearl Shell
Checkered Ebony
Checkered G-10
checkered mother of pearl
Checkered Mother of Pearl Shell
Clear Top Scale
Cocobolo Wood
Cocobolo Wood
Color Scrimshawed Mammoth
Composite Abalone
Computer Circuit Board
Condor Agate
Contoured Grooved QI (Quasi-Isotropic) Carbon Fiber
Copper Pipes & Pistons & Brass Carbon Steel Rivets, Glass Copper & Damascus
Cord Wrap
Cord Wrapped Blue Stingray Skin
Cord Wrapped Stainless Steel
Cord Wrapped Stingray Skin with War Horse Menuki
Cord Wrapped Stingray with Damascus Menuki
Cord Wrapped Stingray with Skeleton Menuki
Cord Wrapped Stingray with Skull Menuki
Cord Wrapped Wood
Cornelian Cherry Wood
Corvette Fordite
Cotton Cord Wrap Over Stingray Over Wood.
Countoured-Flamed & "Fizzed" Titanium
Coyote Brown G10
Coyote Jaw
Crack in the Ebony Reverse Side Pin Adjacent to the Front Lock
Crack in the Scale
Cracked Scrimshawed Walrus
Cracked Stag
Cream Micarta
Cross Cut Ebony, Mammoth and Gold Inlays
Cross Cut Section Mammoth
Crown Stag
Curly Birch
Curly Koa with 14Kt Gold Escutcheon
Curly Koa Wood
Curly Maple
Curly Maple Burl
Curly Maple Decorated with Engraved Silver Overlays and Studs
Curly Maple with Fine Silver Inlays
Cyclops Eye with Brass and Copper Display Faced Articulating Gear Box
D-2 Carbon Steel
Damascus Fittings
Damascus Mother of Pearl Shell
Damascus Spacers
Damascus with Gold Pins
Damasteel Stainless Damascus
Damasteel with 24Kt Gold, Copper & Mokume Inlays
Dark Honey Jigged Bone
Deep Relief Engraved 416 Stainless Steel with 24Kt Gold, 18Kt Green Gold, Built Up Silver and Copper Inlay.
Deer Hoof
Desert Ironwood
Desert Ironwood
Desert Ironwood Set With Emeralds
Desert Ironwood with Carved and Skeletonized Stainless Steel
Desert Ironwood with Pins and Escutcheon
Devin Thomas "Roses and Vines" Damascus
Devin Thomas Mosaic Damascus
Diamond Encrusted Engraved 14Kt Gold Spacers
Diamond Encrusted Mother of Pearl Shell
Diamond Set Gold Inlayed African Blackwood
Diamond Shield
Differentially Anodized Engraved Titanium
Dimpled Green G-10
DLC Coated 6AL-4V Titanium w/ Bronzed Hardware
Double Black Linen Micarta
Double Black Micarta
Double Bomb Escutcheon
Double Escutcheons
Double Pined Dog Bone Shield
Double Rose Gold Escutcheons
Dovetailed Machined Titanium with 24Kt Gold Inlays
Duralumin Butt Cap
Dyed Bone
Dyed Box Elder Burl Wood
Dyed Burl with Oosic and Strawberry Amber
Dyed Burl, File Worked Nickel Silver and Black Buffalo Horn
Dyed Camel Bone
Dyed Curly Maple
Dyed Elder Box Burlwood
Dyed Giraffe Bone
Dyed Maple Burl with Oosic, White Amber and Nickel Silver Spacers
Dyed Tiger Striped Maple with Brass Wire Inlays
Dyed Wood
Ebony Dyed Yellow Oak
Ebony with 24KT Gold Accents
Ebony with Abalone Escutcheon
Ebony with Brass Spacers
Ebony with Mammoth Dice Inlays
Ebony with Mammoth Inlays
Edwards Black Jade
Edwards Black Jade and Fire Agate
Edwards, Wyoming Black Jade
Elk Antler
Elk Antler
Elk Antler Wrapped in Raw Hide
Emboya Burl
English Walnut
Engraved .9999 Gold & .9999 Silver
Engraved & Stippled Steel Butt Cap
Engraved 14 Kt Gold Pins
Engraved 14Kt Gold
Engraved 14Kt Gold Spacer with Diamonds
Engraved 18Kt Gold
Engraved 18Kt Rose Gold Spacers, Black Lip Tahitian Pearl Shell with 18Kt Rose Gold Pins and Pique. Complete with 18Kt Rose Gold Bale
Engraved 316L Stainless with 24Kt Gold Inlays
Engraved 416 Stainless Steel
Engraved 416 Stainless Steel with 24K Gold, Silver, Copper and Malachite Inlays
Engraved 416 Stainless Steel with 24Kt Gold and Copper Inlays
Engraved 416 Stainless Steel with 24Kt Gold Inlays
Engraved 416 Stainless Steel with 24Kt Gold Inlays and Fluted Devin Thomas Double Stainless Steel "Sharks Tooth" Damascus
Engraved 416 Stainless Steel with 24Kt Gold Inlays, Built Up Sculpted Tri-Color Gold Inlays
Engraved 416 Stainless Steel with 24Kt Gold, Copper and Silver Inlays
Engraved 513 Stainless Steel with 24Kt Gold Inlays
Engraved 6061 Aluminum with Kal-guard 2400 Coating in Satin Black with Purple Haze Airbrushing
Engraved 6061 Red Aluminum
Engraved and Gold Inlaid Scales
Engraved Anodized Titianium
Engraved Blued Mild Steel with 18Kt Gold Spider & Fly
Engraved Blued Steel with 24Kt Gold Inlays
Engraved Commercially Pure Titanium with 24Kt Gold, Copper Inlays and Argentium Silver Inlays
Engraved Devin Thomas Stainless Damascus w/ 18Kt Gold Inlays
Engraved Gold Shield and Gold Domed Pins
Engraved Inox Steel with 24kt Gold Inlay
Engraved Mike Sakmar Mokume
Engraved Mokume
Engraved Nickel Silver
Engraved Nickel Silver with 24KT Gold Inlays
Engraved Pre Ban Elephant Ivory With Built Up Enamel
Engraved Sterling Silver
Engraved Sterling Silver with Sculpted Built Up 24Kt Gold
Engraved Titanium
Engraved Wood Interlay
Engraved Zirconium with 24 Kt Gold Inlays
Epoxy Impregnated Black Cord Wrap Over Black Stingray Skin.
Epoxy Resin Inlaid with Mother of Pearl, South Sea gold Lip Pearl and Black Lip Tahitian Pearl Shell
Exhibition Grade Fire Pearl
Exotic Material
Exotic Material with 14 Kt Gold Escutcheon and 24 Kt Gold Pins
Exotic Material with 14Kt Gold Pins
Exotic Material with 18KT Gold Inlays
Exotic Material with 18Kt Gold Spacers
Exotic Material with 24Kt Gold Inlays
Exotic Mediterranean Tortoise Shell Underbelly
exotic wood
Extra Preban Handle with Stablized Crack
Extra-large, extraordinary presentation-quality black lip mother of pearl selected by Jim Schmidt
Fat Carbon "Jungle Wear" Carbon Fiber
Fat Carbon "Lava Flow" Carbon Fiber
Fat Carbon Lava Flow
Federal Shield
Fileworked Brass
Fine Gold Inlay
Fine Silver
Fine Silver Filigree w Garnets and Citrine Gem Stones Inlays and Copper
Fine Silver Inlays
Fine Silver Wire Inlaid
Finger Groove Black Micarta
Finger Groove Pearl Shell
Finger Grooved Stag
Fire Agate
Fire Amber
Fluted & Stippled Black Lip Tahitian Pearl Shell
Fluted & Stippled Mother of Pearl Shell
Fluted & Stippled Zirconium
Fluted 14Kt Gold
Fluted 416 Stainless Steel
Fluted 416 Stainless Steel with Cloisonne, Gold & Damasteel Inlays
Fluted 440-C Steel
Fluted African Blackwood
Fluted African Blackwood with Braided Silver Wire
Fluted African Blackwood with Braided Stainless Wire
Fluted Amber w/ Steel Spacers
Fluted Australian Desert Ironwood
Fluted Black Lip Pearl
Fluted Black Lip Tahitian Pearl Shell
Fluted Black Lip Tahitian Pearl Shell & Fluted Solid 14Kt Gold Inlaid
Fluted Black Lip Tahitian Pearl Shell with Braided 14Kt Gold Wire & 14Kt Gold Spacers
Fluted Blacklip Pearl Shell
Fluted Blued Steel
Fluted Buffalo Horn
Fluted Burl Wood with 14Kt Gold Pins
Fluted Burl Wood with Braided Silver Wire Inlays
Fluted Carbon Fiber
Fluted Cocobolo
Fluted Damascus
Fluted Damasteel Damascus
Fluted Desert Ironwood with Braided Wire
Fluted Ebony
Fluted Ebony with Braided Wire
Fluted Ebony with Stainless Steel Braided Wire
Fluted Fossilized Walrus Ivory
Fluted Fossilized Walrus with Braided Gold Wire Inlays
Fluted Fossilized Walrus with Braided Silver Wire Inlays
Fluted Giraffe Bone
Fluted Gold Lip Pearl Shell
Fluted Hematite Stone
Fluted Horn
Fluted Ivory
Fluted Jade with Braided Gold Wire
Fluted Mammoth
Fluted Mammoth with Gold Braided Wire Inlays
Fluted Mammoth with Twisted Wire Inlay
Fluted Mike Norris Stainless Steel Damascus
Fluted Mother of Pearl Shell
Fluted Mother of Pearl Shell
Fluted Mother of Pearl Shell with 14K Gold Pins and 14K Gold Screws
Fluted Mother of Pearl Shell with Braided 14Kt Gold Wire and Encrusted with Rubies
Fluted Mother of Pearl Shell with Braided Gold
Fluted Mother of Pearl with Abalone Inlay
Fluted Oosic
Fluted Phenolic
Fluted Pink Pearl Shell
Fluted Pre-ban Elephant Ivory
Fluted Pre-Ban Elephant Ivory with Braided Wire Inlays
Fluted Pre-Ban Elephant Ivory with Silver Rope Inlays
Fluted Pre-ban Elephant Ivory with Stainless Steel Braided Wire
Fluted Snakewood with Inlaid Braided Wire
Fluted Soap Stone
Fluted South Sea Goldlip Pearl Shell
Fluted Stellar Sea Cow
Fluted Tiger G-10 (Black & Orange)
Fluted Titanium
Fluted Walrus
Fluted White Marble
Fluted Wood
Fluted, Stippled & Hand Rubbed Satin Finished 416 Stainless Steel
Fossil Bark Mastodon Ivory Tip
Fossil Bone
Fossil Ivory
Fossil Mammoth Bone
Fossil Mastadon
Fossil Walrus
Fossil Walrus Ivory
Fossilized Bone
Fossilized Dinosaur Bone
Fossilized Dinosaur Egg
Fossilized Mammoth
Fossilized Mammoth Tusk Outer Bark
Fossilized Mastodon
Fossilized Rhino Horn
Fossilized Walrus
Fossilized Walrus Bone
Fossilized Walrus Ivory Teeth
Fossilized Whale Rib Bone
French Grayed 41655 Engraved with 19k Gold Bodies and 14k Red Gold Lips
French Grayed Carved Steel
Freshwater Pearl
Gabon Ebony
Gary House "Chief Cross" Mosaic Damascus
Gem Grade Carnelian
Gem Set Sapphires
Gem Stone Inlays
Gibeon Meteorite Damascus
Giraffe Bone
Glow in the Dark
Goat Horn
Gold & Blacklip Pearl Shell
Gold Agate
Gold and blue anodized Timascus/pink mother of pearl
Gold Engraving Under Clear Quartz Crystal
Gold lip mother of pearl
Gold Lip Pearl
Gold Lip Pearl Shell
Gold Lip Pearl with Inlaid Gemstones and Twisted Gold Wire
Gold Nuggets
Gold Pins
Gold Pins and Gold Lanyard Tube
Gold Plated Silver Ferrule
Gold Pyrite and Jet Stone
Gold Quartz
Gray & Black G10
Green & Black G10
Green & Black Micarta
Green Abalone
Green Alligator Skin Wrapped in Rawhide
Green Apple Jade
Green Apple Jade with Carved 18Kt Gold Overlays
Green Burlap Micarta
Green Canvas Micarta
Green Canvas Micarta with Black Micarta Pins
Green Canvas Micarta with Stainless Steel Escutcheon
Green Chrome Jade
Green Chrysocolla
Green Dyed Burlwood
Green G10
Green Garnet
Green Gray Jade
Green Jade
Green Jade inlays
Green Jigged Bone
Green Mammoth Ivory
Green Micarta
Green Micarta with 13 Ruby Ball Bearings
Green Sea Snail Shell
Grooved Tumbled Titanium
Hairline Crack in the Stag
Hairline Cracks at the Pins
Hammer Textured Solid Silver
Hand Carved & Stippled Robert Eggerling Damascus, Scrimshawed Pre-ban Elephant Ivory Inlay and Sterling Silver Spider Button
Hand Carved Bone w/ Garnet Thumbstone
Hand Carved Elk Antler to Mimic Crown Stag
Hand Carved Fossilized Walrus Ivory
Hand Carved Stag
Hand Carved Titanium to Mimic Japanese Cord Wrapping
Hand Carved Walrus Ivory and Black Buffalo Horn
Hand carved white mother of pearl
Hand Carved, Stippled, and Fluted Stainless Steel And Damasteel Damascus.
Hand Sanded Leather Wrap Over Stingray Skin
Hardened D2 Steel
Heat Colored Titanium
Herringboned Mother of Pearl Shell
Hickory Hardwood Fire Hardened Hand Polished Finished with Bees wax
Himalayan Sheep Horn
Hippo Ivory
Hippo Tooth Ivory
Hollow Cord Wrapped Handle with Aluminum Removable Butt Cap
Honduran Rose wood
Hot Textured Titanium
Hour glass shape, with palm swell, covered in green "Same" (sting ray skin) wrapped in black sanded leather (another one of Kinzan's special techniques) Solid Sterling silver "Skull and Crossbones" a
Imitation Ivory
Impala Horn
Imperial Jasper
Indian Jasper
Indian Rock Agate
Indian Stag
Inlaid Black Lip Tahitian Pearl Shell
Inlaid Sugilite
Integral Escutcheon
Integral Knurled A-2
Iron Wood w/Scooped and Drilled G10
Isak Bergh Carved Mammoth
Issak Bergh Carved Mammoth
Ivory Micarta
Ivory Substitute
Jaguar Fibermascus
Japanese Cloisonne
Jerry Rados "Turkish" Twist Damascus
Jewel Inlays
Jigged Bone
Jigged Bone w/ Escutcheon
Jigged Bone w/ Shield Escutcheon
Jigged Bone with Bullet Shield
Jigged Bone with Federal Shield
Jigged Bone with Sterling Silver Escutcheon
Jigged Water Buffalo
Juma Snake Scales
Jurgen Steinau Multi-Pearl Shell Inlays
KaBar Jigged Bone
Karelian Birch
Knurled Steel
Koa Wood
Koftgari Inlaid 24Kt. Gold
Koftgari Inlaid Sterling Silver & 24Kt Gold
Kudu Horn
Lab Grown Black Opal
Lab Grown Blue Opal w/ Carved Damascus Stars
Lace Agate
Lace Wood
Lapis Lazuli
Lapis Lazuli
Lauhala Wood
Lavender Jade
Leather Wrapped
Leopard Skin Jasper
Light Brown Bullfrog Skin Wrapped In Dark Teal Japanese Silk with Sentoku "Tiger in the Grass" Menuki
Lightning Strike Carbon Fiber
Lightning Strike Carbon Fiber with Copper Inlays
Lightning Strike Carbon Fiber with Silver Inlays
Lightning Strike Kevlar
Lignum Vitae
Linen Micarta
Lost Wax Cast Phosphorus Copper with Pearl & Red Coral Inlays
M-3 Scales "Stealth Bomber Skin"
M3 Black
Macassar Ebony
Machined & Anodized Titanium
Machined Aluminum
Machined Anodized Titanium
Machined Bakelite
Machined Black G-10
Machined Black Linen Micarta
Machined Black Micarta
Machined Brown Linen Micarta
Machined Mokuti
Machined Stainless Steel
Machined Striated Micarta
Machined Titanium
Machined, Blasted and Heat Flamed Titanium with Satin Flats
Mahogany Colored Jigged Bone
Mahogany Wood
Maki-e on Black Lip Tahitian Pearl Shell
Makie (Japanese Lacquer) Mammoth
Mammonth Ivory Scales
Mammoth bark
Mammoth Bark
Mammoth Bone
Mammoth Ivory
Mammoth Ivroy with Saami Engraving by Jonny Walker Nilsson
Mammoth Molars
Mammoth Tooth Scales
Mammoth Tooth Scales
Mammoth Tusk
Mammoth with 18Kt Gold Inlays
Mammoth with Checks and Cracks in Handle
Mammoth with Cracks in Both of the Rear Screws
Maple and Rawhide
Maple Burl
Marble Carbon Fiber
Marbled Carbon Fiber
Maroon "Same" (Sting Ray Skin) Wrapped in Black Leather
Maroon Linen Micarta
Maroon Micarta
Mary Ellen Jasper
Mastodon Ivory
Mastodon Tusk
Mastodon Tusk Outer Bark
Masur Birch With Scrimshawed Reindeer Antler
Mesquite Hybrid
Metal Pool by Raffir
Mexican Fire Agate
Mike Norris Damascus
Milled Carbon Fiber with Devin Thomas Damascus Plate
Mirror Polished 416 Stainless Steel
Mokuti Inlays
Mokuti Overlays on Bronze Heat Colored 440C Handles
Moon Glow
Moose Antler
Morrisonite Jasper
Morrisonite Jasper & Tiger Eye
Mortise Cut Stag
Mosaic Black Lip Pearl Shell Inlays with Piqued Gold Dots
Mosaic Damascus
Mosaic Pins
Mosiac Tiled Blacklip Tahitian Pearl Shells with 24Kt Gold Dots
Moss Agate
Mother of Pearl
Mother of Pearl inlays
Mother of Pearl Pivot
Mother of Pearl Scales Encrusted with Diamonds, 14Kt Gold Domed Pins and Raised 14Kt Gold Dots
Mother of Pearl Scales with 14Kt Gold Domed Pins and Raised 14Kt Gold Escutcheons
Mother of Pearl Shell
Mother of Pearl Shell
Mother of Pearl Shell Encrusted with Diamonds, Rubies and 14Kt Gold Accents
Mother of Pearl Shell w/ Gold Pins
Mother of Pearl Shell with 14 KT Pins & 18Kt Gold Escutcheon
Mother of Pearl Shell with 14K Rose Gold Screws & Escutcheon
Mother of Pearl Shell with 14Kt Gold Dots
Mother of Pearl Shell with 14Kt Gold Pins & Escutcheon
Mother of Pearl Shell with 14Kt Gold Pins and 14Kt Gold Engraved Escutcheon
Mother of Pearl Shell with 18K Gold Pins
Mother of Pearl Shell with 18Kt Gold Pins and Escutcheons
Mother of Pearl Shell with 18Kt Rose Gold Pins and Bale
Mother of Pearl Shell with 18Kt Rose Gold Pins and Shield
Mother of Pearl Shell with 24Kt Gold Inlays
Mother of Pearl Shell with a Sole Authorship Multi-Colored Mosaic Damascus Escutcheon
Mother of Pearl Shell with Abalone Escutcheon
Mother of Pearl Shell with Abalone Inlay
Mother of Pearl Shell with Black Lip Pearl Shell Inlays
Mother of Pearl Shell with Damascus Escutcheon
Mother of Pearl Shell with Maki-e
Mother of Pearl Shell, Aragonite Stone and 24 Kt Gold
Mother of Pearl with Braided 24t Gold Wire Inlays
Mother of Pearl with Gold Pins
Mother of Pearl with sterling silver
Mountain Jasper
Multi Pearl
Multi-Dyed Box Elder Burl with African Black Wood, Smokey Gold Amber and Nickel Silver Spacers
Multi-Pearl Inlays
Multiple Blacklip Pearl Inlays
Musk Ox Horn
Napanoch Jigged Bone
Native Silver in Cobalite
Natural Micarta
Naval Bronze
Nephrite Jade
Nickel Silver
Nickel Silver Fittings
Nickel Silver Pins
Nickel Silver Spacers
Nickel Silver Wrap Ebony
Nickel Silver Wrap Pre-ban Elephant Ivory
Non-Slip Grip Inlay
Oak Micarta
Ocean Jasper
Octagonal Picasso Marble Handle
OD Green Canvas Micarta
OD Green Cord Wrap
OD Green G10
Old Utica Jigged Bone with Oval Shield
olive G-10
Olive Wood
Oosic, Phenolic, Amber
Oosic, with White Amber & Red Amber Spacers
Opal Inlaid Eyes
Orange & Black G10
Orange G10
Orange Peel Finish Titanium
Oryx Antelope Horn
Osage Orange Wood
Outer Bark Mammoth
Outer Bark Phenolic
Oval Escutcheon
Palm Wood
Palm Wood and Curly Maple with Fine Silver Inlays
Paper Micarta
Para Cord Wrapped Survival Tube
Paua Shell
Pear Wood
Pearl Shell
Pen Shell
Pen Shell with 18Kt Gold Inlays
Pen Shell with 24 Kt Gold Braided Wire Inlays
Petrified Dinosaur Bone
Petrified Oak
Phenolic and Gold Plated Shield & Studs
Phenolic Bone
Phenolic Cross Cut Molar Pattern
Phenolic Molar Pattern
Phenolic Resin
Phenolic Tooth with 22Kt Gold Plated Silver Spacers
Phenolic with 14 Kt Gold Escutcheons & 14 Kt Pins
Phenolic with 18Kt Gold Pins
Phenolic with Ballock Shield
Phenolic with heavy "melted" 14Kt Yellow Gold
Phenolic with Stippled Brass Spacers
Picasso Marble
Picture Jasper
Pink Botswana Agate
Pink Ivory Wood
Pink Pearl
Pinklip Pearl Shell
Pinstriped Copper
Pipe Briar Wood
Pique Black Lip Pearl Shell with Gold Pins
Pique Black Lip Tahitian Pearl Shell with an 18Kt Gold Escutcheon
Pique Blacklip Tahitian Pearl Shell With Gold and Ruby Inlays
Pique Exotic Material
Pique Exotic Material with 18Kt Gold Escutcheon
Pique Mammoth with 18Kt Gold Dots.
Pique Pen Shell with an 18Kt Gold Escutcheon
Pique South Sea Gold Lip Pearl Shell
Piqued Amber
Piqued Black Lip Tahitian Pearl Shell
Piqued Black Lip Tahitian Pearl Shell with 18Kt Gold Dots
Piqued Ebony
Piqued Exotic Material
Piqued Exotic Material with 24Kt Gold Dots
Piqued Mammoth with Gold Pins
Piqued Mother of Pearl Shell with Gem Stone Inlays
Piqued Mother of Pearl Shell with Gold Dot Inlays
Piqued Mother of Pearl Shell with Gold Pins
Piqued South Sea Goldlip Pearl Shell with 24Kt Gold Inlays & Ruby Inlays
Piqued South Seas Gold Lip Pearl Shell with Gem Inlays
PK Mother of Pearl
Polished Black G10 With Moonglow Inlays
Polished Deer Bone
Polished Horn with Engraved Nickle Silver escutcheon
Polished Stag
Popcorn Stag
Porter Plume Agate
Powder Coated Aluminum
Pre-Ban Elephant Ivory
Pre-Ban Elephant Ivory & Carved Amber
Pre-ban Elephant Ivory with 14 Kt Gold Pins & Thong Hole
Pre-ban Elephant Ivory with 14Kt Gold Escutcheon
Pre-ban Elephant Ivory with Gold Pins and Escutchons
Pre-ban Elephant Ivory with Silver Escutcheon and Studs
Pre-Ban Ivory
Premium Amber
Premium Black Lip Mother of Pearl
Premium Brazilian Rosewood
Premium Burl Wood Handle
Premium Fossil Mammoth Ivory
Premium Fossilized Oosik
Premium Grade Musk Ox
Premium Mother of Pearl
Premium Mother of Pearl Scales
Premium Stag
Premium Stag with 18Kt Gold Tubes
Premium Stag with Gold Escutcheon
Premium Stag With Nickel Silver And Onyx Spacers And Nickel Silver Butt Cap.
Presentation Grade Abalone and Green Sea Snail
Presentation Grade Big Horn Sheep Horn
Presentation Grade Buffalo Horn
Presentation Grade Mother of Pearl
Presentation Grade Sambar Stag
Presentation Grade Water Buffalo with Engraved 18 KT Gold Escutcheon
Purple Pearl Shell
Quartz Crystal Interframe with Bulino Engraving and 24Kt Gold Inalys
Quilted and Piqued Mother of Pearl Shell
Quilted Mother of Pearl Shell
Quilted Mother of Pearl Shell with 14Kt Gold Toothpick and 14Kt Gold Pins
Rag Micarta
Rainbow Pearl Shell
Raindrop Damascus with Abalone Shell Inlays
Ram's Horn
Ram's Horn
Ram's Horn
Rare Pale Green Jade and 24kt Gold
Reconstituted Lapis Lazuli
Red Agate & Tiger Eye Escutcheon
Red Amber
Red anodized aluminum
Red Canvas Micarta
Red Carbon Fiber
Red Coral
Red G-10
Red Giraffe Bone with Paua Shell Inlays
Red Jasper
Red Jigged Bone
Red Jigged Bone with 14Kt Gold Pins and Shield
Red Jigged Bone with Bullet Shield
Red Jigged Bone with Mother of Pearl and Gold "Gord" Escutcheon
Red Lace Agate & Edwards Black Jade
Red Linen Micarta
Red Shredded Carbon Fiber
Red Stag
Red Tenite
Red/Brown Fossilized Walrus
Redwood Burl
Redwood Burl with Fossilized Whale Bone and Nickel Silver Spacers
Redwood Burl, African Blackwood, Oosic and Nickel-Silver and Brass Spacers
Remington Bone with Double Bomb Shield
Remington Jigged Bone
Remington Jigged Bone with 14Kt Gold Double Bomb Shield
Remington Jigged Bone with 14Kt Gold Double Escutcheons
Remington Jigged Bone with 14Kt Gold Federal Shield
Remington Jigged Bone with Bullet Shield
Remington Jigged Bone with Federal Shield
Remington Jigged Bone with Thunder Shield
Robert Eggerling Mosaic Damascus
Rocky Butte Picture Jasper
Rosewood Burl
Royal Russian Walnut Burl
Royal Sahara Jasper
Russian Filigree with Garnet Inlays
Russian Silver Filigree with Garnet Inlays
Russian Synthetic Opal
Russian Walnut
Russian Walnut Burl withFossilized Whale Bone, White Amber and Nickel Silver Spacers
Sambar Stag
Satin Finished Titanium
Saw Cut Bone
Scalloped G10
Scalloped Micarta
Sci-Fi Jasper
Scrimmed Phenolic
Scrimshawed Antique Walrus Tooth
Scrimshawed Black Buffalo Horn
Scrimshawed Black Buffalo Horn and Walrus Tusk
Scrimshawed Blue Fossilized Mammoth Tusk
Scrimshawed Bone
Scrimshawed Fossilized Walrus Tusk
Scrimshawed Mammoth
Scrimshawed Mammoth (Cracks at the Rear Pins)
Scrimshawed Mammoth Tusk
Scrimshawed Mammoth Tusk with Turquoise Inlay
Scrimshawed Mammoth with Stabilized Cracks
Scrimshawed Micarta
Scrimshawed Mother of Pearl Shell
Scrimshawed Phenolic
Scrimshawed Stag with Mokume Caps
Scrimshawed Walrus, Yellow Amber and Black Buffalo Horn
Scrimshawed Warthog Tusk
Scrimshawed White G-10
Sculpted 18Kt Gold encrusted with diamonds, opals, sapphires and tourmalines
Sculpted and Radiused Timascus Scales
Sculpted Maple Burl
Sculpted Mother of Pearl
Sculpted Mother of Pearl Shell
Sea Cow Bone
Sea Dichrolam
Sea Snail Shell
Sequoia Burl Wood
Serpentine Stone
Sheep Horn
Shred Carbon Fiber
Shredded Money
Siberian Fossil Mammoth
Siberian Jade
Silicon Bronze
Silver & 24 Kt Gold Koftgari
Silver Bear
Silver Carbon Fiber
Silver Damascus
Silver Escutcheon
Silver Filigree Wire Wrapped Fluted Mother of Pearl Shell with a Fluted Bronze Spacer
Silver Twill Carbon Fiber
Silver Twill G10
Silver Wire Inlaid Hand Checkered Walnut
Silver Wire Inlaid Stippled Curly Maple
Silver Wire Lightning Strike Carbon Fiber
Skeletonized Mammoth
Smooth Bone Handle Scales
Snakeskin Inlays
Snakeskin Micarta
Snow Flake Obsidian
Sole Authorship 1095 and Nickle Damascus with Black Lip Pearl Center Inlay
Sole Authorship 18Kt Rose Gold, 18Kt White Gold Shakudo Mokume with Cabochon Pink Tormaline Gems
Sole Authorship Chevron Damascus
Sole Authorship Damascus
Sole Authorship Mokume
Sole Authorship Mosaic Damascus
Sole Authorship Stainless Damascus Inlays
Solid 14K Gold
Solid 18Kt Yellow & Rose Gold
Solid Black Jade Surrounded by Gold Plated Carved Fittings
Solid Sculpted Silver with Cloisonne like "Eye" of a Peacock Feather
Solid Sterling Silver "Blood Dragonfly" Menuki
Solid Sterling Silver "Devil Mask" Menuki
Solid Sterling Silver "Tiger In The Grass" Menuki
Sonoran Desert Ironwood, Oosic, Amber
Sonoran Ironwood
South Sea Gold Lip Pearl
South Sea Gold Lip Pearl Shell
South Sea Gold Lip Pearl Shell with 24 Kt Gold Maki-e
South Sea Gold Lip Pearl with Blued Robert Eggerling and 24 KT Gold Escutcheon
South Sea Goldlip Pearl
South Sea Goldlip Pearl Shell with Paua Shell Inlay
South Sea Goldlip Pearl with 18Kt Gold Pins & Shield
Spalted Alder Wood
Spalted Birdseye Burlwood
Spalted Hackberry
Spalted Hackberry Burl
Spalted Hackberry w/Black Liners
Spalted Maple
Spalted Maple Scales
Spalted Maple, Blackwood, Amber
Spalted Pen-Line Maple
Spiral Abalone with Engraved Stainless Steel Fittings
Spiral Fluted Fossil Walrus Ivory Handle with Twisted Gold Wire
Spiral Fluted Mammoth
Spiral Grooved Oosic Handle, with inlaid twisted gold wire
Spiral Phenolic
Spruce Cone
Stabilized Curly Maple
Stabilized Hairline Cracks
Stabilized Maple
Stabilized Maple Burl
Stabilized Oak
Stabilized Spalted Maple
Stabilized Spalted Oak
Stabilized Thuya Burl
Stabilized Walnut
Stabilized Wood
Stacked Carved Warthog Tusk & Oosic
Stacked Dyed Leather
Stacked Handle formed from Carved Mammoth, Warthog Tusk & Scrimshawed and Dyed Giraffe Bone
Stacked Leather
Stacked Ribbed Rubber O-Rings
Stag Handle with Red and Black Fiber Spacers on Either End Finished with an Aluminum Butt Cap & Thong Hole
Stag with Federal Shield
Stag with Fully Sculpted 24Kt Yellow Gold Inlays
Stag with Nickel Silver Escutcheon
Stag with Thunderbar Shield
Stainless Steel Dog Head Escutcheon
Stainless Steel Escutcheon
Stainless Steel Parts
Star Escutcheon
Steel Wire Wrapped
Sterling Silver
Sterling Silver Spacer
Sterling Silver, Sculpted and Engraved by Ray Cover Jr. with Gold Accents and Individual Cameos Carved From Gold Lip Mother of Pearl Shell
Steve Mullin Damascus
Stingray Inlays
Stingray Skin with Japanese Cord Wrap
Stingray Skin Wrapped with Blue Suede
Stingray with Cord Wrap
Stingray with Doe Skin Leather Wrap
Stippled & Carved Mother of Pearl Shell
Stippled & Fluted 416 Steel
Stippled & Fluted Blued Steel
Stippled and Artificially Aged Brass Side Plates
Stippled Patinaed Metal
Stippled Premium Blacklip and Goldlip Pearl Shell
Stippled Steel and Blued Steel with 24Kt Gold Inays with Gems
Strawberry Amber
String Micarta
Striped Mahogany
Succor Creek Picture Jasper
Sunburst Pattern Black Lip Tahitian Pearl Shell, Mother of Pearl Shell & 18Kt Gold Inlays
Sunburst Pattern Black Lip Tahitian Pearl Shell, Mother of Pearl Shell & Gold Lip Pearl Shell Interframe
Sunburst Patterned Blacklip and Mother of Pearl Shell Inlays Divided with 24Kt Gold Inlays
Super Colider with Red Polymer Ceramic Inlay
Super Conductor
Tan G-10
Teak Burl Wood
Textured Black & Red Carbon Fiber
Textured Black Carbon Fiber on Glossy Carbon Fiber Spacers
Textured Black G-10
Textured Black/Red Carbon Fiber
Textured Blue/Black G-10
Textured Canvas Micarta
Textured Carbon Fiber
Textured Carbon Fiber Inlay
Textured Carbon Fiber Over Polished Carbon Fiber
Textured G-10
Textured G10
Textured Green/Black G10
Textured Linen K-Carta
Textured Rubber
Textured Titanium
Textured Wood
The Reverse side of the Mammoth is Missing a Piece, Where it Cracked off at the Pin.
Three Fluted Amber Balls
Thunder Bar Shield
Thuya Burl Wood
Tiger Coral
Tiger Eye
Tiger Iron
Tiger Maple
Tiger Striped Maple
Tiger Striped Maple w/ Fine Silver Inlay
Tiger's Eye Stone
Titanium Dual Window Inlay
Titanium with Mosaic Pins
Torch Colored Hand Chilseled Titanium
Trilobte Fossil set in Silver on Butt End
Triple A Grade Mother of Pearl Shell
Triple Black Lip Tahitian Pearl Shell Inlays
Tumble Finished Titanium
Turkish Twist Copper
Turkish Twist Stainless Steel
Twist Damascus Damasteel
Twisted Gold Wire Inlaid and Fluted Mammoth
Two Tone Pins
Umzimbeet Wood
Unidirectional Carbon Fiber
Vintage Case Candy Stripe Celluloid
Vintage Sterling Silver Fine Cutlery Handle
Wally B. Carved Mammoth Colt 45 Pistol Grips
Walnut Burl Wood
Walnut Burlwood
Walrus Bone
Warthog Tusk
Wave Textured Titanium
Wenge Wood
Westinghouse Ivory Substitute Micarta
Westinghouse Micarta
Whale Bone
Whale Tooth
White Amber
White Flint Cinnabar
White Fossil Mammoth with Stanhope Logo
White Jade
White Micarta
White Micarta
White Opal
White Pearl
White Stag
Willow Creek Jasper
with 14 Kt Gold Floral Carved Pins
with 14 Kt Gold Pins & Escutcheon
with Ballock Shield
with Bullet Escutcheon
with Double Bomb Shield
with Escutcheon
with Federal Shield
with Hematite Carbochon
with Mosaic Pins
with Nickel Silver Escutcheons
with Shield
Wolly Mammoth
Wood Micarta with Gold Lip Pearl Escutcheon
Wood Saya
World Trade Center Steel "I-Beam" Set into the Bronze from the WTC Plaza Sphere
Yellow Amber
Yellow Carbon Fiber
Yellow G10
Yellow Lip Pearl Shell
Yellowish Green Double Tritium Vials with Lumination Holes
z7 Carbon Fiber
Zebrawood with Oosic and German Amber
Zipper Pattern Titanium and 18kt Rose Gold
Filter by Engraver
Any Engraver
Alan Tiensvold
Aldo Rizzini
Alex Gev
Amayak Stepanyan
Andy Shinosky
Angelo Galeazzi
Armin Winkler
Attributed to H.H. Frank
B.A. Snell
Barbara Slobodian
Barry Lee Hands
Ben Shostle
Bertil Aasland
Billy Bates
Brescia, Italy Engraved
Brian Hochstrat
Brian Lyttle
Bruce Christensen
Bruce Shaw
Bryan Bridges
Buster Warenski
C. Giovanelli
C.J. Cai
Carving by Rudy Lala
Chris Meyer
Chris Meyer & Tim George
Christian DeCamillis
Christy George
Creative Arts
Creative Arts & Mario Terzi
Dan Wilkerson
Dan Wilkerson & Jon Robyn
Daniele Pozzi
Darren Reeves
Dave Lark
David Perdue
Donald Bell
Dr. Fred Carter
Dusty Moulton
Ed and Tanya Van Hoy
Elena Bosio
Fabio Bregoli
Firmo Fracassi
Francesca Fracassi
Franz Marktl
Fred Harrington
G.S. Engraved
G.S. Pedretti
Gary Blanchard
Geoffrey Gournet
George Sherwood
Gerd Rausch
GF. Pedersoli Inc.
Giacomo Badillini
Gianfranco Pedersoli
Gianni, Abraini
Gil Rudolph
Gino Cargnel
Giorgia Contesa
Giorgia Contessa
Giovanni Steduto
Hand Carved by Andrei Kolesnikov
Harry Limmings
Helen van Wyck
Herrington, Fred
Isaak Bergh
Italian Engraver
Italian Master Engraver Gabelli
J. Witmore
James Stewart
Jason Marchiafava "J. Fava"
Jeff Flannery
Jeff Harkins
Jeff Parke
Jere Davidson
Jim Blair
Jim Small
Jim Sornberger
Jody Muller
Joe Mason
Joe Rundell
John Todd
Jon Robyn
Joyce Minnick
Judy Beaver
Julie Warenski
Julien Marchal
Katsuo Iura
Ken Hurst
Kurt Horvath
Lance Kelly
Larry Lunn
Lee Griffiths
Lisa Tomlin
Luca Braschi
Luca Casari
Lucie Bandikova
Luis B. Sanchez
Lynton McKenzie
M. Terri
Manfred Fleischer
Manrico Torcoli
Marc Pedini
Marian Sawby
Mario Terzi
Mark Waldrop
Martin Butler
Martin Rabeno
Mary Mueller
Mary Patricia Holder, Signed "MPH"
Mel Wood
Michael Collins
Michael von Krenner
Mitch Moschetti
Norris Sperry
Panja Pojiew
Pat Holder
Patricia Walker
Paul Markow
Pedersoli G.F.
Petak, Vlastik
Quaranta, Vitalij
Ray Cover Jr.
Ray Viramontez
Rick Eaton
Rick Simmons
Robert Strosin
Robert Swartley
Robert Valade
Ron Luebke Jr.
Ron Nott
Ron Skaggs
Ron Smith
Rudy Lala Carved
S. Takeuchi
Sam Alfano
Scott Pilkington
Sharla Hansen
Shaw Leibowitz
Shigetoshi Takeuchi
Simon Lytton
Simone, Fezzardi
Sole Authorship Engraved
Stanley Stoltz
Steve Dunn
Steve Huff
Steve J. Lindsay
Terry Theis
Thomas McKissak
Tim Adlam
Tim and Cristy George
Tim George
Tim George & Lisa Tomlin
Tim Halloran
Tim Herman
Tira Mitchell
Ton Ayodia
Tony Lageose
Tony Tuscano
Unsigned (Attributed to David Perdue)
Valerio Peli of Creative Arts
Vitaly Quaranta
W Tomita
Wayne D'Angelo
William P. Sinclair
Winston Churchill
D. Goodwin
David Morton
Francesco Amatori
G. Grimm
Ken Hunt
Manuela Gualdi
Marion Sawby
Rolf Peters
Scott Allred
T.W. Leschorn
Tyler Prince